Copyright © 2020,, Tyrone Ross

The Island of Ieró, late summer, 62 AD

The high winds and the hard pounding waves were becoming the typical normal climate on the island. The refugees from Roman oppression have settled the near deserted island and quickly learned that storms for the summer season were particularly rough and torrential. In knowing this, they moved their encampment further into the island, away from the beach and added additional weather fortifications to their homes and to the beachfront. Many prayed for a quieter autumn and winter season concerning the weather. Time will tell as they have only occupied the island for less than four months. Still, it was blessing to be free and living on a bountiful island rather than in chains in a Roman slave pit.

Rome, it was a major concern for the refugees. In response to a possible threat, they have erected look out towers on the beach and in the hills watching for any seagoing vessels (merchant, slave or warships) passing by or attempting to make land fall to their island. For months, only the waves and migrating birds have visited their island, until one morning, another visitor made his way toward the island.

As the sun rose, two guards in an observation tower at the end of the beach tracked a being piloting a damaged raft toward the mountainside with very little success. From what they could see through the wind and rain, the person stood with a long rowing oar and negotiated the rough waters with noticeable difficulty into the mountain seaside. As he held on to the oar, the pilot managed to maneuver his damaged craft into the backside of the mountains and was never seen again.

Both guards looked at each other in bewilderment. They knew the waves slamming against the mountain side were treacherous and unforgiving. No vessel, regardless of size, can survive being slammed against the jagged rocks. That would have been the fate of the three vessels, Acestes, Poseidon and the Cowin if the Gray Witch of the Mountain had not intervened on their behalf.

"What do we do Saul? Do we try to go out and search for the raft and the owner?" the other guard named Silus asked.

Saul, holding onto the side of the observation tower shook his head. "No Silus. We stay here until this storm settles and then we will speak with the elders. They will know what to do."

"You just don't want to leave your post and take a nice walk in the storm, it that it?" Silus remarked with a smile as a mixture of rain and ocean water splashed him in the face.

Saul smiled and replied, "You know your brother very well."

As the storm raged on, the stranger in the raft managed to survive. In fact, the storm did not faze him in any way. He maneuvered his raft into a small channel barely accommodating his craft and continued to row until the channel ceased. Abandoning his raft he took a large satchel of what appeared to be eggs and climbed up into a medium size hole. He followed the cramped tunnel until he found a large grotto that suited his likes. He set the satchel down and looked to make a fire to dry himself off. Taking a dry flint and wood from his tattered cloak and in moments was warming his pale skin hands. Once he dried off and got comfortable, he would tend to his eggs and then to his experiments. He was thankful to the ancient gods for leading him to an uncharted island.

* * *

When the storm passed over the island, it was mid-afternoon. The sky hosted bright, warm sunshine with a few clouds. The island came to life after the storm: wild dogs played in the open hill and in the forest, birds were on a feeding frenzy as the storm afforded them scores of insects whose hives were destroyed by the high winds, and the villagers went about to repair any damage to their homes, storage facilities and the shipping dock they had constructed. Luckily, most of the structures weathered the storm with their supplies and tools sheds endured the storm. They went about their normal daily chores and some even sang praises for the freedom and life they made for themselves on the island.

A sense of happiness spread throughout the people on the island paradise. However, many secretly feared the day when it may all come to an end. They would defend their new home at all costs. This was on the minds of the elders as they heard the report from Silus and Saul while on watch in the early morning hours. Sitting in a circle in Kalindi's tent and eating freshly baked bread, Silus and Saul recounted the events of the early morning.

"Even if anyone could survive the waters on the mountain side, it will be difficult to search for them. Exploring the mountain range close to the sea has proven problematic and resulted in some of us receiving injuries of sorts. I do not believe it is worth our time." Silus said as he sipped cool water from a hollowed out coconut.

Saul sat up straight and added his opinion. "To be honest elders, it could have been an illusion or something we had mistaken for what appeared to be a man on a raft. It could have been debris the storm churned up from a vessel far away from here."

Alpheus considered both of the testimonies of Saul and Silus, as did Kalindi and Ajani. For a few minutes they whispered among themselves debating if any action should be taken. They sat straight and looked to the two young men.

"Thank you for reporting this to us and not taking any foolish action on your own to search for this visitor to our island," Ajani spoke in a calm but deep voice. "You showed good judgment."

"Moreover," Kalindi added. "You are also right to reconsider what you saw in this storm this past morning." She looked at them and then asked, "Did the person on the raft appear to be in distress? Was there any pleas for help that you could hear?"

Silus shook his head. "We heard nothing but the wind, the rain and the ocean waves. But from what we did see, the individual looked as if he was deliberately trying to sail to the rock side of the mountains."

Alpheus did not need to consult with his co-elders before speaking. "We will make an attempt to search for this visitor to the island. Do you think you can lead a party to the area you think this traveler landed?" Both men nodded their heads. "Very well, tomorrow morning you lead four other men into the mountain passes to ascertain the location of this visitor."

Kalindi held up her hand to speak. "Do not remain in the mountains after sunset. Return to the village with the light." Silus and Saul both understood and got to their feet. They bowed and then exited the elder's tent.

Ajani spoke his mind first. "I am beginning to wonder if this island is truly isolated if we have visitors sailing up to our shores every other month."

"We are visitors here as well, Ajani." Alpheus pointed out. "We were saved by the compassion of another and allowed to live here undisturbed."

"Yes, yes, this Gray Witch of the Mountain. You said she would leave us be if we don't not explore her mountain. How do you know she will keep her word? For all we know she could have been the one Silus and Saul observed this morning."

"You make a good point Ajani," Kalindi pointed out, adjusting her posture. "Do you propose going up to the witch's mountain and demand answers from her?"

Ajani stiffened. "Maybe, it is an option. We should not live in fear of her, the Romans, or unknown figures in the night."

"What should we be afraid of my friend?" Alpheus asked.

"We should be afraid of losing all that we have built in the short time we have settled this island. And we should defend it at all costs."

Alpheus and Kalindi had to agree with Ajani. With all that they fled from and all they have built, they could not lose it. Still they first needed answers and then the strength to defend their slowly thriving village. Sending a search party was the best decision they could make. If they discovered another refugee like themselves, maybe then they could offer sanctuary. If it was someone who came with hostile intent, then they would know what to do with that being. The following morning would bring the answers they required for the safety of their colony.

* * *

The next morning, just as the sun was about to rise, Ajani met with the party of six men on the beach near the observation post Silus and Saul occupied. He made sure all of them had provisions, tools and torches for their mountain trek. Deep down he wished he was accompanying them into the mountains as he first did when they settled the island, but the Maasai warrior had to remain behind not only to protect the village but to train others as well. Besides, in essence, he was going with them as he trained all six men.

"Remember, you have until sunset to be back here on this beach. Do not take any chance or separate. Stay together and rest in areas that are secure. Do you understand?"

"Yes Elder Ajani," all of the men said in unison.

"Above all, come back safely!" Ajani raised his hands and prayed over the six men in the language of his ancestors. When he was done, Saul and Silus led the four men down to the edge of the beach and slowly ascended into the mountain hills. The sun lit the sky in a beautiful array of colors, reflecting off of the water with a few clouds in the sky. He inhaled deeply and then went back to the village. Hopefully he could persuade Kalindi to make her special breakfast for him, if he promised to forge a special amulet for her as she requested. All things are possible, he thought to himself as walked to her hut.

* * *

Hours later, moonrise. Ajani stood impatiently at the watch tower waiting for Silus, Saul and the others to return from their mountain search. Keeping the bon fires going and then checking with the guards in the tower, Ajani did his best to not go into the mountains after them. He remembered telling them to come back before sunset. It was dark and venturing into the mountains on a dark night was not wise. He agonized over a decision to go after them. If they were lost and hurt, they could be running out of time. He looked up into the tower.

"Make sure you keep the bon fire lit. If the boys come back, come and get me no matter the hour," he ordered as he walked away looking back at the mountains.

"Yes Elder Ajani, we will let you know," voiced the guard not knowing what to say to comfort the Maasai elder.

* * *

The next morning, Ajani ventured into mountains at day break with nine volunteers. They attempted to follow the path Saul and Silus made and continued deep into mountains. For several days, Ajani searched the steep rock passes and cliffs but found no sign of first search party. Deep inside he wished he decided against their leaving to search for that mysterious visitor but it had to be done.

After three weeks of searching, Ajani gave up and prepared a remembrance ceremony in which the entire village attended. Six pyres were prepared to be set ablaze as Ajani led the ceremony. Each pyre represented the young man lost to the mountains. In a symbolic manner, Ajani approached each pyre and lit them individually. As the funeral pyres burned, the smoke from each one combined into one massive smoke column, telling a story that humans will become one in the great paradise. The villagers observed a period of mourning for two days according to their own cultural manner.

From her mountain abode, Medusa saw the fires, smoke and heard the lamentation of the villagers. She did not know why they were grieving but she shed tears none the less.

"I take it you will be visiting them in the near future to ascertain the source of their grief?" the Gaz'don demon asked, though it was unnecessary since it knew she would.

"Yes. These people fled from hardship only to find peace on this island. Now, not long after they have settled and made a life for themselves, they are grieving. I have to know what happened and if in any way they will look to this mountain for answers." Medusa wiped her face with the back of her hand.

"I hope they don't think we are the cause of their grief," the demon added.

Medusa nodded. "I don't want to have to defend myself in my new home." The weight of her words was heavy with grief, anxiety, and a touch of anger. Many years passed since she had looked and killed any being. It was something she would like to continue. "When they have finished their grieving practices, I will visit them."

* * *

After two days of mourning, the pyres were dismantled and the ashes scattered to the seas. A sense of loss hung in the air as everyone coped with the absence of the six young men. Since the Acestes departed for India to return some of the refugees to their homeland, the loss meant the colony may not thrive as they thought it would. Much speculation permeated through the village as to their future. Some wanted to leave and take their chances returning to an empire that would either enslave them, put them to death or worse. Others wanted to stay but looked to the mountain of the Gray Witch for answers.

This call was led by Ajani who, past the stage of grief, called for a march on the mountain. Kalindi and Alpheus called a special meeting of the elders. Ajani was brought inside Alpheus's hut to keep him from inciting a riot among the villagers. Medusa, several feet away shrouded in shadows in a tall tree, attended the meeting as well.

"We need to demand answers from this witch of the mountain. I find it all too convenient for her to demand that we stay out of the mountains and a short time later, our search party disappears. Maybe it was her on the seas. She did use her magic to calm the seas before. She could have conjured that storm to hide her motives!" Ajani's eyes were wide open, his breathing deeper than normal. He was ready for a confrontation, even if it meant his life. He paced back and forth while Kalindi and Alpheus, seated and calm, watched Ajani with concern. It was Kalindi who stood, touched Ajani on his broad shoulders and settled him. She gestured to a cushion on the floor and offered him food and wine.

"Ajani, I know you feel responsible for the young men in your charge because you trained them and to you they were like your sons." Kalindi bit her lower lip mentioning offspring to Ajani. His family was enslaved by the Romans and was separated from them. He never knew what became of them but one day he would be joining them. In the meantime, he dealt with the grief of losing six fine young men. Kalindi spoke softly. "We have to act calmly and rationally. I grant you that we know very little about this witch of the mountain but I seriously doubt she truly means us harm."

"Also consider this my friend," Alpheus spoke up after taking a sip of water. "The same elements that affect us can affect her as well. She is not a goddess but a person who understands more of the realm of the mystical than we do."

Letting out a deep breath and calmer, Ajani asked, "What do you propose Alpheus?"

"Why not ask her to help us in our search and discover the mystery of the being Saul and Silus spotted on the seas. If she is not aware of this intruder, the information we offer will be of some value to her. If anything else, she would want to investigate, not for our sake but for her own. I conclude that if she wants to be left alone but allow us to coexist with her on this island, peaceful cooperative means is the only solution for all of us."

Ajani smiled and noted Alpheus' bartering skills at work. He was right about the situation, the witch could be convinced rather than compelled to help the villagers ascertain the whereabouts of the six men. If they were alive, he thought. And also, the identity of the mysterious stranger on the seas during the storm had to be ascertained.

"All right my friends," Ajani relented. "Approaching the witch with caution and pleas for help is our best course of action. Who do we send to her?"

Kalindi and Ajani looked at Alpheus and smiled. Alpheus' shoulders heaved as he accepted the responsibility.

From her perch in a high tree, Medusa and Gaz'don demon had much to consider. The storm a few days ago was particularly strong and it may have had mystical connotations to it. Medusa needed to meditate more on the storm's curious nature. It was a day she spent in bed sleeping, if the storm did nothing else, it provided her a good day for rest. She turned her attention back to Alpheus, Ajani and Kalindi. The meeting went better than she had anticipated due to the fact no one would approach her mountain with false accusations of murder in the wake of the disappearance of the six men. Now she understood the villager's mood since arriving to observe the meeting of the elders. Alpheus was definitely right about one thing, Medusa will have to investigate the disappearance and the possible assailant to the island. For all she knew, everyone was in danger, including herself.

"I guess we should go back and clean the cave to expect our second visitor," the demon gathered in a playful sense.

"Anthea's presence would be more welcomed but this task should be for Alpheus as he is a leader of this colony."

"Colony? You make it seem like something great can grow from this populace."

"Don't you see it? There is a bright future for each soul here," she paused then added, "If we watch over them."

"This means-"

"This means we need to associate with them more. But first, let us look into the mountains where their men disappeared." Medusa adjusted her position in the tree carefully and cast her eyes to the mountains. The Gorgon eyes swept through the mountain and found nothing of concern. All Medusa surveyed was mountain rock, the occasional wildlife, and small indentations and crevices. She strained a little more to see into the caves and underground waterways that would be too difficult for anyone to traverse. She spotted a water outlet and followed the path back toward the source. She blinked in astonishment as her vision failed. Or more precisely, someone was blocking her ability to see through the mountain.

"There is a powerful spell placed on one of those mountains to thwart our vision. Not since Perseus have we encountered something so powerful!" The demon stated with annoyance. The snakes hissed in response. Two women happened to be walking passed the tree Medusa perched in. Upon hearing the sound of snakes, both women looked on the ground and walked with more caution. Fortunately, they did not look up into the trees, for they would have gotten a sight they would never forget.

"I think we should return to the cave and meditate on this occurrence." Medusa looked around her tree and back at the hut where Alpheus, Ajani and Kalindi emerged to address the concerned members of the village. She overheard them stating to remain calm and the elders will deal the situation. The one statement that made her happy was Kalindi's order for everyone to not venture into the mountains for any reason.

"That is good. It will give us the ability to focus on this anomaly." With that statement, Medusa leapt from the tree branch and landed on another tree branch and continued her flight until she reached the hills and then ran up to her cave. She had much to prepare for and possibly a battle to wage against an unknown foe.

* * *

The day grew to early evening and the sun slowly started its descent in the sky toward the horizon. Alpheus prepared a small travel bag for his trek to the Gray Witch's mountain. He tried to be brave for a moment before meeting what could be an angry being for intruding on her space, specifically when she requested not to be bothered. He gathered a skin filled with water, a couple of pieces of dried meat, two mangoes and his short sword. The Greek trader held the sword in his hands for a moment and considered taking it. Would the Gray Witch, M as she wished to be referred to, take it to be an act of aggression? She could not begrudge him any protection, especially if a wild animal would attack him. That notion settled the disquiet in his mind as he fastened the belt and sheath to his waist and left the storage section of the hut. The old man stopped in astonishment as he saw Anthea packing a large bag in the middle of the common area of the abode.

"And where are you off to my little one? Are you and some of the kids going play on the hills?" Alpheus said with a placating tone.

"No grandfather, I am going to see the Gray Witch of the mountain." Anthea's eyes cast to the floor.

Alpheus was stunned to hear what she said. "You are going where?"

"To see the Gray Witch. When my kite flew into her cave, she fixed it for me and returned it to me. She seems to me that she is a lonely person but I think she needs a friend."

Alpheus took Anthea by the hand and explained to her about the meeting with the Gray Witch and danger in the mountains. He suggested a possibility the she could be involved or worse cause the disappearance of the village's six men. Anthea shook her head and cried.

"Grandfather you are wrong! She would never do that! I can't believe you or the other elders could think that!" She screamed at him and buried her face his chest.

"My child, we are uncertain, we are not accusing her of anything. However, we feel she may know something we don't and I am going to go to her cave and ask her," Alpheus tried to sound certain of what he must do. "But tell me, why are you going to go to see the Gray Witch? I know you said to thank her but she wants to be left alone."

"I have been visiting with her for the last few days. I bring her fruit I pick in the forest, some food we prepare here and occasionally I bring clothes and other items I think she will need. I sense a hesitation on her part to accept them but she relents and we talk for a little while."

Anthea and Alpheus stared at each other. For a moment, the two of them did not speak until Alpheus looked at his granddaughter with a burdensome look.

"Anthea, I am amazed and frightened at the same time you were able to befriend the witch in mountain."

"M, we should call her M!" Anthea insisted. Alpheus nodded in agreement.

"M. You are right. We should treat her as a person and not as a thing in the mountains." Alpheus hugged and kissed his granddaughter. "I think you and I should go and seek M to ask her to help us with our problem. Maybe she will be happier to see you first."

Alpheus picked up the bag and took his granddaughter's hand. They left the abode and strolled through the village together enjoying the evening air. The sun began to set and the sky started to turn shades of orange, red and violet.

"Grandfather, do you want me to ask M to help us with the disappearance of Saul, Silus and the others?" Anthea watched her grandfather with scrutiny.

Alpheus shrugged and said, "If you can ask her if I can speak to her for brief moment, I can take it from there."

At the same time they put on a sly smile to each other. Like grandfather, like granddaughter.

* * *

Medusa sat cross-legged on a cushion with her eyes closed and her snakes hissing about her ears. She focused on the area of the mountain where her vision could not penetrate. As she and the Gaz'don surmised, a powerful spell was on that particular section of the mountain underpasses and a massive cavern. Whoever cast the enchantment, his or her mastery is equal to or greater than Medusa's capability. A powerful foe this individual could be if a conflict was to come about. She needed to know everything there was to know about the spell caster who made land fall in the storm many days ago. The safety of the villagers and Medusa's were at stake.

Her eyes tightened shut as she focused and chanted spells to penetrate the shroud around the cave. She started to sweat and clenched both her fists and teeth exerting all of her strength to break the spell. Finally, she got a response but not the one she wished for. The spell caster, aware that someone was attempting to glimpse into his realm, forced the eyes of Medusa out of his cave and in so doing, pushed Medusa hard off her cushion. It took her a moment to catch her breath and sit up.

"If I did not know better, I would say it was Hades preventing us from seeing into that place. It feels familiar when Perseus used his helm of illusion against us." The demon's words sent a chill through its host body. Medusa tried never to think of that day when she died at the hands of Perseus. Fortunately, fate and powers beyond her understanding brought her back to life but all of that was immaterial. When Medusa stood up, she walked to her ration of water and drank from a large deep spoon, provided by Anthea.

"Yes, the stench of the gods seems to live on. But here? On my island? I will not stand for this!" Medusa almost threw the drinking spoon across the cave but held on to it and set it back down gently. A look outside of her cave told her the sunset and nightfall was upon the island. "Have we been meditating for so long?"

"It seems so. That spell is too powerful to be breached. We will have to go to the source and dismantle the spell by dismantling the spell caster." The Gaz'don felt Medusa's hesitation but continued with its point. "Either we ignore this or something will emerge from those caves beyond our ability to handle. We must prepare ourselves."

Medusa did not argue for the demon was correct. She could not standby and allow a potentially dangerous being to grow his power. For a moment she thought about Anthea and the rest of the villagers. What would become of them? Putting her hood up, she walked to the edge of the cave to watch the sunset. The sky was bright and lit up in beautiful colors. Here and there the stars became visible.

"So beautiful!" Medusa whispered as she cast her eyes down into the valley. To her surprise she spotted Anthea being escorted by Alpheus. This was to be expected, a visit from Alpheus but she did not expect Anthea to visit so late in the evening. Usually the little girl would make her way to her cave in late morning or afternoon. This was unusual indeed, but then again, there was an unusual situation about the island.

When Anthea and Alpheus reached the bottom of the pathway, Anthea drew in a deep breath and called for her friend in the caves. "M? Are you there? It is Anthea and Alpheus. May we approach?"

Medusa ducked back into the cave to get a torch. When she returned to the entrance, she lit it, making sure not to light it close to her hood face. The flame illuminated the entrance and she waved to Anthea and Alpheus. "You may enter child. You and your grandfather."

Accepting the invitation, Anthea led her grandfather up the pathway to her cave. Medusa pulled out a small stool for herself and two cushions and placed them in the forward part of the cave. She was still not used to having people in her personal space but sooner or later this will have to change but only if and when she can reveal her true identity of her Gorgon nature. She placed the cushions together and then set the torch in a crevice over them. The stool was placed opposite the cushions to give Medusa a shadow to hide her appearance. A few moments later, Anthea and Alpheus stepped into the cave.

"M! How are you feeling today?" Anthea asked in excitement.

"Better, now that I see you today. I see your grandfather has accompanied you as well." Medusa noticed and gestured with her hand for them to sit.

Anthea handed Medusa a bag and then sat with Alpheus. "I picked you some mangoes and other fruit you may like and also there is a blanket in the bag for you, among a few other things you may want or need."

A sense of excitement fell over Medusa as she went thought the bag. She peeled a mango and began eating one while she moved the blanket aside and saw more writing implements and a couple of scrolls. She was more than happy. Alpheus took out the little bit of food he had and shared it with Anthea. For several minutes, the three spent the time snacking and making small talk. Medusa, several times noticed the short sword Alpheus was carrying but purposely ignored it. Finally, the elder Greek trader brought the conversation to a more serious tone.

"M, do you remember the storm a few weeks ago?" he asked after taking a sip of water from his skin and passed it to Anthea.

"Yes I do, I slept in that day. The storm was also reminded me of when you ships landed here on the island."

"We all still owe you a debt of gratitude for saving all of us. And it is the reason why I have come to speak with you." Alpheus paused and then continued. "During the storm, two of our sentries spotted what appeared to be a man on a raft or small boat sailing into the mountain side of the island. We have not spotted any debris or a body since the day of the storm. Ajani had sent Saul and Silus, the two sentries on watch that day, along with four other men into mountains to explore the other side and in attempt to find any signs of the mysterious sailor. The six men never returned. Days after, we looked for them but have not found a trace of our sons. A meeting was held with the elders and we discussed what course of action we should take in protecting our village. It was finally decided that someone should come to you to seek you help in discovering what has happened to our young men."

Medusa listened intently. She knew Alpheus left out additional conversations between Ajani, Kalindi and himself about placing blame on her for their disappearance. However she understood why he did that and as well as Medusa's reluctance to mention she was observing them in the trees during the meeting.

"I saw the fires on the beach. I imagine you were burning funeral pyres in remembrance of the ones you lost?" she asked with concern.

"Yes. Ajani as well as some of the people in our village took the loss very hard."

"My prayers go with all of you," Medusa placed her hand together and bowed her head.

"Thank you. I have come to ask you on behalf of the refugees you have rescued if you can aid us by exploring the mountains near the beach. I know you did not want any of us here on your mountain," he looked to Anthea and caressed her cheek. "But I am happy you made a small exception. Even allowing me to speak to you is truly a pleasure."

For a moment, Medusa felt as if she was being worshipped with Alpheus to start praying and offer a sacrifice. In so many years, she had forgotten how it felt to be needed and sought out for guidance and not the deadly reasons of her deadly eyes.

With caution she chose her words. "I have sensed something amiss in the mountains near the beach. I have attempted to see into all of the mountain ranges except for one closet to the beach front. It is here I believe the mysterious sailor has setup residence and wants no one to interfere with whatever plans he may be concocting." She stood up, careful not to let her full face be seen. "I will determine the nature of this disturbance and use all means available to secure the safety of everyone on this island."

Anthea jumped up from her cushion and hugged Medusa around the waist, taking the Gorgon off guard. "I knew you are not bad. I knew you will protect us as we should protect you!"

Medusa did not know how to respond! The child's sudden embrace almost prompted the Gorgon to swat her away but she restrained the impulse. And then her comment about protecting her and the people of the island was more a declaration than an emotional feeling. Whatever power Anthea had over Medusa, she slowly accepted it as a good thing. In response Medusa hugged her back. She then turned her head toward Alpheus who had a perplexed look on his face. Whether it was from Anthea's sudden embrace or her statement Medusa was not certain. However, she did see Alpheus' hand hover over the hilt of his short sword.

"Alpheus," she said in calm voice. "Tell the others in the village I will do all I can to find their sons and to see about this enigma that has befallen us."

Alpheus relaxed and then stood up. "I can never repay you for all that you have done for us and will do. We are in your debt forever."

Medusa allowed Anthea to return to her grandfather's side. "Do you need anything M? If you are going on a long journey into the mountains, you will need supplies." Anthea said.

"Well I do not need much, I think I can go-"

"You will need food and water for at least a day. You will need a torch and kindling. And maybe some chalk to mark your way in case you get lost!" Anthea interrupted.

Both Alpheus and Medusa looked at Anthea in amazement. This child is not only of concern and consciousness but intelligent as well. Even the demon agreed with their assessment. Medusa smiled and answered, "Yes my lady!"

The little girl blushed and stood behind her grandfather in mild embarrassment. "Seriously, I will do just that and you are right my little friend." Medusa stepped closer to Alpheus. "I noticed you are wearing a sword. Was that meant for me?"

"Only if you did not desire my presence. I decided to bring Anthea along at the last minute and I decided to keep it just in case…"

"Just in case I did not desire her presence as well," Medusa finished. A moment of awkwardness passed and then Medusa held out her hand. "I am not angry for you bringing a sword into my cave. In fact, I would be perplexed to not see you with some means of defense. May I borrow it? Who knows what I will find in the caves of the mountains near the beach."

Unfastening the belt that carried his sword, Alpheus handed the Gray Witch the short sword. She took it by the hilt and slowly unsheathed it. An eyebrow went up as she admired the quality of the blade. A two-sided blade that looked sharp enough to skin a large reptile. With the blade free of its sheath, Medusa twirled the blade around her hands in a manner a master swordsman would to get the feel of the weapon. It has been many years since she has held a well-made Greek sword in her hands. Due to her other powers and abilities, she would have no need for such a weapon. A feeling deep inside of her told her to take the weapon. From where this feeling came from she could not say.

"You seem to be familiar with Greek weapons, M," Alpheus observed as Medusa placed the blade back into the sheath. Lessons from Captain Theron at the temple came back to her in a welcomed yet distressing memory. Somewhere, far away from the island, his statue stands still for all time, just as the rest of the temple dwellers stood in that moment of dread.

"Long ago I was taught by a Greek soldier who was kind to me and was concerned about my safety. He taught me how to use many weapons."

"I see, where is he now, if I may ask?"

Medusa was not ready to reveal her past to Alpheus or even Anthea. Now was not the time for it. "He went away." Not providing any more information on the matter she switched back to the topic at hand. "Make sure everyone stays clear of the mountains until I contact you that all is well."

Alpheus nodded and asked, "How long should we wait until we start to be concerned about your disappearance?"

"Two days at the most. On the midday of the third day… if I have not returned…" she paused and considered her words. "I will leave it in your judgment to do what is best."

Alpheus nodded in response. "One final question, when will you go into the mountains?"

Medusa looked beyond her guests and saw that it was nightfall. "As soon as you and Anthea return safely to your village, I will start my journey."

"You promise to come back and tell me about your adventures won't you?" Anthea politely demanded.

"I promise to return with some amazing tales of my adventures."

Medusa bid them good night and waved her hand to Alpheus and Anthea as they made their way down the mountain. After a short while they returned to the safety of their village and Medusa prepared herself to enter the other mountains. In a quick motion, she gathered the food Anthea brought for her, a torch with kindling, strapped Alpheus' sword around her waist and placed the chalk in her small pouch. Taking a deep breath, the Gorgon left the comfort and safety of her cave dwelling.

A half-moon rose over the horizon, casting down light bright enough to illuminate the rough mountain terrain. She didn't need the light but it was welcomed. Medusa kept her focus on area she and the demon cannot penetrate with their vision. The sounds of the ocean were loud enough to lull her into a calming trance but there was no time for a relaxing nap. The oddly shaped mountain was the focus of her journey. As she walked closer to it, a feeling of foreboding gripped her.

"There is a great and powerful magic upon this mountain. I fear it will spread through this small mountain range and throughout the rest of the island." The demon's voice was a whisper in Medusa's mind. It too may be affected by the dark enchantment. The Gorgon allowed her fangs to bear and for the first time she truly embraced being a cursed demon woman.

"We shall see to it that it does not spread beyond this mountain!" Medusa roared aloud and charged ahead, determined to destroy whatever the source of the magic and to avenge the deaths of the six men lost in the mountain. For an hour, Medusa attempted to retrace the path they may have taken during their exploration of the mountain. Then the stench of blood and rotting flesh reached her sensitive nose. A hole in the side mountain, less than two feet wide, gave the indication the stench originated from within. She squeezed herself into it and crawled for several feet through a tunnel until she came to a large cathedral-like cavern with a ceiling dotted with dripping stalactites.

She fought the urge to light her torch, if there was another being in cavern, she wanted to keep to the darkness. She could use her extraordinary stealth abilities to stalk the unknown assailant. Medusa detected the remains of dead creatures, and men for that matter, but other odors assaulted her. Highly offended by the pungent aromas, Medusa took long deep breaths. Fortunately she could hold her breath for a long time, a trick that came in handy when she first stayed with her two Gorgon sisters Euryale and Stheno until she got used to their various aromas.

Her vision told a chilling tale of what has transpired in this cavern: body parts of small animals and human males littered the floor. She stepped on the bones of the dead, trying not to be disrespectful since the cavern was a graveyard. More and more, whoever or whatever did this will pay with their lives. Something moved in the darkness behind her and the serpents hissed a warning.

"I sense a very large creature descending along the cavern wall and coming behind us. It looks like a giant worm," the demon reported.

Medusa smiled and then asked, "Does it have eyes?"

The demon hesitated to answer for a moment then said, "Our vision is still blurry from the enchantment but yes, I detect eye stems."

Medusa nodded and continued to walk slowly. She reached into her cloak and pulled out the flint and torch. Her plan, light the torch and allow the creature to see her face and be turned to stone. She remembered she tried this on the Seraphai warrior Remiel who pursued her in the underworld. This time she will have more success. The worm closed in on Medusa and reared up on its body. As is poised to attack, Medusa turned quickly with her torch lit and made a startling shriek. The creature, unfazed by her gaze or the shriek, produced two clawed arms and with such speed and force, knocked Medusa clear across the cavern.

The blow sent the stunned Gorgon across the cavern slamming into several stalagmites, cracking and breaking them into pieces. She landed on her stomach and remained still for a moment. "Why didn't our gaze work on this creature?" she asked in a panic.

"It could be possible this creature is blind, therefore our gaze will not affect it as it should," the demon answered.

"You said you seen eye stems on this abomination!"

"I can only determine this creature is the young of the species and most animals are born blind!"

It made sense, however, the information would have been useful before entering the mountain. Then again, Medusa's vision was obscured by the enchantment of invisibility. It definitely reeked of the gods, Hades to be more precise. There was a possibility when the gods were destroyed, remnants of their influence could have been scattered across the world for anyone to claim and wield their power. Medusa made a note to one day search out these remnants and destroy every last trace of them.

As she finally got enough strength to turn over and try to get up, the worm pounced on her, pinning her arms to the rock floor. Using all of her strength, Medusa pushed against the worm, almost freed herself. The worm redoubled its efforts and pinned the Gorgon to ground. A small mouth opened and revealed needle-like pincers. Medusa's face felt saliva and other fluids trickle onto it as the creature lunged forward attempting to tear into her throat and rib cage. She managed to twist her body out of the way as the head of creature smashed into the stone floor. A check of her body told her she dislocated her left shoulder and broke the joining humerus at the shoulder. Pain was a luxury she could not afford as she was locked in a death struggle with a foul creature. It struck again and she the rolled the opposite direction.

The demon could sense the worm's frustration and as it straightened and prepare itself for a final strike, one which its prey could not avoid. Then Medusa and the demon thought in unison to bring another of the Gorgon's weapons into the fight. The serpents in Medusa's hair, including the white serpent, protruded out and bit into the worm's soft pale flesh. Razor sharp fangs and the deadliest poison even known seeped into the veins of the worm causing it to convulse, swell and burn. It let out several repetitive shrieks before it release Medusa from its grip.

The worm coiled and shook, as if it was attempting to escape the inner burning sensation. It intuited its own demise and let out a howl that made Medusa cringe. She stood and watched in curious amazement as the Gorgon venom worked its devious purpose. With the sword of Alpheus in her right hand, Medusa hacked at the worm until it stop shrieking and moving. Yellow blood spirted in all directions, some landing on Medusa giving off a smell worse that what she initially detected coming into the cave. Finally she stood up and surveyed the carnage of this beast. It was clear the fate of the six men were met by this mutant beast. She hoped it was the only one slithering in the caves of this mountain. She was wrong. The howls of pain the worm bellowed were not only death throes but a warning to others in its nest.

Soon the cave began to echo with the similar noises of the first worm. Medusa picked up the torch and held it in front of her to illuminate the small area of the cavern. She could make out seven similar worms approaching her slowly. Her enhanced hearing picked out twenty more on the walls and ceiling of the cavern. The first worm may have been the sentry for the nest. For the six men, their doom may have come when more of these creatures were awake and looking for food. Now it appeared they will avenge their sibling. Unfortunately, all of the worms approaching the Gorgon were blind just like the first one.

Her dislocated shoulder and broken humerus mended themselves back together. The multiple bruises and lacerations she suffered when tumbling through the cavern also started to heal but the body had no time for rest. Thankfully, her injuries healed strong enough for Medusa to grip the short sword and with a howl of battle, charged into the midst of the worms.

* * *

The Caretaker, more of his function and title than his name, moved from one recessed pool to another, dropping bits of human flesh and other animal remains for the strange assortment of mutated fish and other aquatic life he cared for. He looked as twisted and mutated as the numerous life forms he cared for. His eyes were just narrow slits in a misshaped head. His nose looked as if someone used a mace or club to flatten his nostrils. He had no lips to speak of and black rotten teeth were exposed. The skin over the rest of his body looked as he suffered a series of burns.

Possessing two fingers and a thumb on each hand, the Caretaker picked out a fore finger from the hand of Saul and tossed it into pool of carnivorous fish. The water churned and blood floated to the surface, the caretaker smiled and said, "I am sorry my children, but there is no more food to feed you. The worms are greedy creatures, never sharing with their friends. They can move about and hunt on land while you are confined to this pool. But soon I will release you all into the ocean so you can feed until you are satisfied." He turned and addressed the array of creatures held in cages, pools or nests. "I will release all of you onto the world so you may all feed!"

He danced and twirled about the pools, careful not to trip and fall in one of them. For whatever creature lurked about in the blue/green solution will make a meal of him. In the center of his domain, a giant crystal ball sat on a pedestal. It glowed and hummed, catching the attention of the Caretaker. He sauntered over to it and was astonished to see what the crystal displayed. It showed a snake haired female fighting the last of the worms with a sword. She impaled the worm in the mouth, twisted the blade and pulled out the sword out with such force the head of the worm split in two. The Caretaker howled in anger and he stomped around the lair in a fit.

"How dare this intruder kill my children? My beloved worms! All of them are now dead!" He walked to what appeared to be a nest of blue glowing eggs with silk netting attached to them. "Don't worry my children; I will avenge you brothers and sisters on this snake haired bitch."

In a loving manner, the Caretaker rubbed his deformed hand on the surface of the eggs. The eggs glowed and vibrated slightly, responding to his touch. He walked back to the crystal to see the demonic woman walking out of the cavern and down the corridor to the caretaker's lair. On closer inspection, he was able to see that the woman had been wounded badly during the fight and was nursing a limp of her left leg. Her head was bowed and he could not see her face, but the signature hair identified her as a Gorgon.

"I thought they were all dead. But maybe we can make this one our captive or mate. We should prepare." The caretaker rushed off to another chamber to don his armor and spear. He would wait for the Gorgon.

Medusa had not felt excruciating pain since her first death and coming back to life in caves of the underworld. She hoped she would never have to experience anything of this violent nature ever in her existence. Fighting the worms brought back the memories of the long underworld exile. Deep down she hoped to never find herself in a similar situation, but this infestation must be eradicated! It was a burden the Gorgon would take up with no hesitation or debate.

Through the fighting and painful victory, Medusa had come to realize she does not like pain despite her altered physique that can allow for a high pain tolerance. The numerous injuries she accumulated during her battle with the mutated worms firmed her decision to retrain herself in the fighting arts. All of that would have to wait until she dealt with the intruder. Her focus was to find the source of the infestation and to remove it forth with from her island.

Her journey from the cavern led her down a narrow corridor and then into a lair half the size of the cavern she previously came from but the ceiling was almost twice as high. The pathway she walked on was the only way in or out. A stone door slammed shut behind her as she entered. Then a creepy, maniacal laugh filled the hall and then died away. In a circular design the inner lair was shaped like a dome. Along the walls and in the ceiling were dotted with numerous smaller chambers with something, in every chamber, moving about. The stench of death hung in the air of the lair as the smooth green floor was littered with small bones, rotting flesh and other excrement Medusa took care not to step in. The environment of the second cavern she found fascinating yet disturbing at the same time. None of it held her attention as much as the crystal orb set on a pedestal in the center of the room.

"This is the source of the spell!" The Gaz'don demon declared as Medusa walked closer to it. A large, silver glass sphere cast a warped reflection of herself along its smooth curves. She was about to touch it with bronze finger nail when suddenly numerous flat metallic blades, thrown from an unseen assailant with such force and accuracy, barely missed Medusa as she flipped and evaded every one of them. The blades embedded themselves in the wall over a recessed pool and near one of the cages causing whatever creature within them to stir with anxiety.

"Get away from my crystal, Gorgon!" The Caretaker jumped down from a perch on the opposite side of the lair and landed on the platform facing Medusa. He carried a staff with long sharp point at the end pointing toward the intruder and the other side sported a long flat blade. Over his face was a large mask that covered his forehead, eyes and nose. Only his mouth and jaw remain exposed, revealing black jagged teeth.

"And there is the source of this entire calamity," Medusa told the demon inside her mind. Raising her sword in a defensive posture, Medusa backed away keeping a distance from the edge of the spear.

"You killed my worms Gorgon! I must have your blood for that!" the Caretaker shrieked.

Medusa was surprised to hear the same dialect and language from the days she lived in Greece as a mortal woman. She thought she would never hear that dialect ever again. A thought crossed her mind to inquire the creature standing in front of her but decided that dispensing with him would be best for all parties concerned. Medusa frowned and spoke in the same dialect, "You will find that hard to accomplish, sorcerer. It will be your blood I will be taking as payment for the six lives you have already taken."

"They have trespassed into my mountain and deserved their fate. The humans who made camp are also intruding on my island."

Intrigued by his insane argument Medusa replied, "And what of me? I came to this island many years ago. If anyone should have cause to be angry of intrusion," she pointed to herself. "I should."

"You could have easily dispensed with those humans on the island at your leisure. It is what you are…a monster! A sentinel to guard against invasion of any sort. I know of you demonic origins." A chill ran through both the demon and Medusa. What knowledge did this being have to know about Gorgons and of the Gaz'don demon?

"The Gaz'don were taken from their home and brought to this realm to become the servants of the fallen. I instructed them as to how to merge and produce a powerful being to control. Gaz'don were the most rare creature and difficult to assimilate but it was done. Of fifty, only three survived. I am proud to see the fruits of my knowledge. Yes Gorgon, I am, in my own way, happy to see you despite the intrusion and murder of my worms. I can be persuaded to forgive you."

Medusa was shocked by the revelation! Much of what he said was true and even the revelations from Remiel were now substantiated. Temptation crept into her mind. All around her were the making of powerful beings that she and this sorcerer could unleash and control the human populace to do their bidding. However, looking at herself, the sorcerer and the creatures around her, they were all unnatural abominations. This was perhaps her purpose in her new life, to destroy such evil things and protect humanity. Ironic since she is a cursed demon woman and men sought after her head; one succeeded but was resurrected. The Gaz'don demon inside of her, a helpful creature for Medusa, can attest to what this being is doing is wrong.

"What is your name sorcerer?" Medusa asked in an emotionless tone.

The Caretaker shrugged, "I have no name. I am the Caretaker. I take care of rare and beautiful creatures as you see here and," his voice changed. "The worms you killed. Still, they are more of them in the eggs from their parents!"

"Caretaker, I cannot allow you, your creatures as you call them, or the stench of this perversion to ever again leave this mountain. You serviced the gods of Olympus and because of this I have been damned to this life. What may be a curse is also my salvation. But for the hundreds, no thousands of souls your existence has caused to enter oblivion, I will destroy you and your pets." Medusa raised her sword and stepped closer to the caretaker.

From behind his mask, his eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, there is power here in this very cavern that can be yours if you lower your sword and join me."

There it was again, the temptation. He consistently made offers for Medusa to take, rather than to initiate a conflict. Then it came to her, he was stalling her for time. The demon alerted her of a rising threat behind Medusa. In one of recessed pools she backed toward, dozens of pale colored tentacles extended up and branched out to surround the Gorgon. Before she could react, the Caretaker shouted, "GET HER!"

On command and with astonishing swiftness, the tentacles lashed out and gripped Medusa's limbs, waist and neck with a strength that she nearly surrendered to it as it proceeded to choke the life out her. She brought her sword up and slashed at the tentacles in fury. However, every one tentacle she severed two or three took its place. Either this creature was able to grow more appendages when injured or there was more to this beast than she knew of.

"Medusa, we are losing this battle!" the Gaz'don demon expressed in a panicked state. This was knowledge not beyond Medusa's grasp to understand. Yet, the fact of the matter was it was right, she was losing the battle.

The Caretaker laughed as he leaned on his spear, watching Medusa struggle for her life.

"I would be open to any opinions as to how to free ourselves from this tentacle rage." Medusa slashed a few more tentacles and cut away the ones wrapped around her throat. She breathed a bit more easily but still remained in the deadly embrace of the creature.

 "This reminds me of those multiple limbed creatures in the seas…octopus I believe you call them. It must have a head the center of this mess. Aim for its head!"

Medusa allowed herself to be drawn closer to the center of the mass of tentacles but kept resisting. Soon, she saw a massive beak with a tentacle tongue. Medusa smiled as she pushed back against pull of the tentacles and then launched herself into the mouth of the beast with the sword in front of her. The blade of Alpheus pierced the creature's throat, brain and other organs. Red blood splattered Medusa in the face and eyes, temporally blinding her. It flailed about in pain and finally it collapsed and died.

The Caretaker roared in anger. "That will be last of my children you smite, Gorgon!" He lunged at Medusa's backside as she crawled out of the mass of dead tentacles and wiped the blood away in time to see a new attack from the Caretaker.

Off balance and sliding on the blood and tentacles, Medusa managed to parry and deflect the spear attacks. "Oh no my friend, I plan to destroy all of your supposed children and send you to the flames of damnation." The taunt only renewed the Caretaker's attacks and the two combatants were locked in mortal combat. All of the creatures in the pools and cages started to call out in reaction to the Caretaker's battle. If Medusa did not know any better, she thought they were cheering the Caretaker on. No matter, she was not offended in the slightest, for if he loses their doom was assured.

Fatigue begun to take hold of her as constant battle and injury made her movements sluggish. Soon the Caretaker, demonstrating his skill at spear fighting, will make the killing blow that will end Medusa in one stroke. His mask, she thought. If she could take is mask off, she could petrify him and this conflict would be over. An opening came when he dropped his guard and with an upward slash Medusa left a deep gash in the visor. In response to the damage to his protective visor, the Caretaker twirled his staff and cut Medusa's left thigh. She staggered back a bit and as he tried to press the point home, Medusa's left hand made an alternative gash on his visor. An X marked the spot for Medusa to destroy his visor. Regrettably, the Caretaker did not allow Medusa to execute whatever scheme she was devising. In an unpredictable move, the Caretaker rushed at Medusa, holding his staff front of him, and pushed her into one the pools. He began to laugh loudly, "Feast my children, there is enough flesh for all of you! Eat until you are satisfied!"

Inside the murky, blue/green water, Medusa allowed her body to sink to the bottom. She cast her head upward and could see the Caretaker laughing, dancing and prancing about in victory. In murky water, Medusa waited. Suddenly, dozens of voracious, sharp teeth fished descended upon her. Some started to nip at the wounds on her arms, thigh and back. One fish darted for eyes and then was turned to stone. She turned her head and petrified a half dozen more. Soon she will solidify every carnivorous fish in this pool until she found the right sized fish.

The Caretaker noted the bubbling frenzy in the pool of carnivorous fish died down quicker than he anticipated. Either they finished the Gorgon off faster than he planned or something was dreadfully wrong. He leaned over the edge of the pool to investigate. Floating at the top of the pool were small stone versions of his fish. Before he could react, Medusa grabbed the largest petrified fish and from underneath the water, hurled the fish to strike dead center on the X of his visor. The visor shattered in many hot shards of metal, scratching his skin. With his eye protection gone, Medusa pushed off the bottom of the pool with all the strength left in her legs and shot of the pool and looking into the eyes of the Caretaker. The posture all too familiar to Medusa as the Caretaker froze in the horrible pose with his hands up trying to look away but was too late.

The fight was over. Medusa landed and then collapsed onto floor of the lair to catch her breath. From all of the cages and pools, the beasts' chanting ceased. A mournful silence was observed in the chamber; the only sound heard was Medusa's hard breathing for several minutes. Not since the battle with Perseus did she feel so fatigued. The floor was cool to her touch and all she wanted to do was sleep. She glared at the silver orb wondering what to do with it.

"This device should be studied," the Gaz'don thought as it pondered about the orb.

"No my friend. If this orb can block our ability to see, it is a weapon dangerous to us. It must be destroyed." The demon did not argue as Medusa rolled onto her side, observing the statue of the Caretaker, its features unrecognizable. And then idea came to mind.

Standing up on shaky legs, she stood up leaning on the statue. Then summoning all of her reserve strength, she lifted the statue by its legs, ripping it from the floor of the lair, and hurled the statue into the orb. The Caretaker shattered into numerous stone debris, scattering across the floor and into the pools of his "children". The orb started to glow, vibrate and show cracks that twisted all around its being. Soon after, the orb exploded, sending glowing shards in all directions, setting fires in the cages of some of the beasts. Some the hot debris landed in a small alcove filled with barrels of flammable chemicals. It too exploded and shook the entire lair. What was once the Caretaker's dominion was now an inferno with the internal temperature increased dramatically.

Medusa pressed herself again the floor at the initial explosion and watched the rumbling spectacle with wonder. "We cannot stay here," the demon bellowed deep within Medusa's mind. "The heat and increasing pressure will bring the mountain down upon us. We will either be reduced to ashes or be buried alive. I am not looking to stay underground for the rest of my existence."

Medusa agreed. With the destruction of the orb, her vision was coming back slowly. She looked for a way out of the lair and found none at first. The passageway leading out of the room was blocked and time was not with Medusa to look for the release to raise the stone door or dig her way out. Then another way out presented itself. Between two pools a few feet away was a catch basin and beyond that a drain tunnel. It led out of the lair into an underground river that emptied into the sea.

"The hole is big enough for you to crawl through. We better -" the demon was shocked at how fast Medusa was up and running to the basin. She slid head first into the basin and into the drain. The tunnel was snug but she managed her way through it. No sooner when she left, the entire lair erupted it a brilliant fireball.

"Oh no," Medusa whispered to herself as she realized that the pressure from the blast would have to escape in some way, through the tunnel she crawled through. The pressure mounted to the point she was propelled down the length of the tunnel at a fantastic speed. Approximately one quarter of a mile away, the drainage tunnel emptied into an underground river that flowed to the sea. The cavern shook from the explosion. High near the ceiling where the drainage tunnel exited, Medusa's body shot out and slammed into a large stalactite column. She was knocked semi-conscious, leaving a large fissure. Her body landed in the raging river and was carried out to the sea.

As she floated on the waters, her body relaxed. She felt no pain and even managed a smile on her face. "We did it," she whispered. "We saved the people of the village. We saved Alpheus, Ajani and Kalindi. We saved the children. We saved Anthea."

"Medusa, stay awake!" the demon beckoned. "Don't go to sleep!"

Medusa answered. "Please, let me sleep. I worked so hard for this rest." Her eyes closed and Gorgon's body floated to the sea.

* * *

Meanwhile, the ground around the village shook from an explosion in the mountains. Birds and other land animals scattered in a panic. The people stopped to wonder what could have caused such a tremor. Ajani, on the beach at the time, looked up to see part of the mountain where Saul, Silus and the others never returned, collapse and cause a rockslide. Thankfully the surrounding, smaller ranges contained the avalanche, thereby protecting the village. Alpheus and Kalindi ran to join Ajani on the beach.

"What was that? An earthquake? An eruption?" Kalindi asked.

Alpheus and Ajani exchanged looks and shrugged. "There was no fire when the rumble started. Nor is the ground continuously shaking. Whatever it was, it sounded as if it came within the mountain." Ajani walked a way for a moment to climb into the nearby observation tower with two other sentries.

"If the disturbance came from the mountain," Kalindi started to ask. "Didn't this Gray Witch, M as she called, venture into the same mountain?"

Alpheus closed his eyes and prayed for her safe return. "We can only hope that whatever transpired, she will be alive and well. M struck me as an individual that is capable of great things but a dark secret holds her back. This could be why she has not come down from her mountain and associated with all of us."

Kalindi nodded and looked back at the mountain. The tremors ceased and the mountain, beach and the island calmed and then settled. Kalindi was about to speak when Ajani yelled from the observation post. "Look, I see something…or rather someone floating in the water! The tide is carrying the body down the shore." He looked to Alpheus and Kalindi for advice on their next course of action.

"Can you see who it is Ajani?" Alpheus asked. "Can you tell if the body is male or female?"

"No," he replied.

Alpheus then said, "Gather some men, we will follow the tide and recover the body. If it is the Gray Witch, we can thank her. If it is the being that is responsible for our losses, then we will escort him back into the sea."

Ajani smiled then leapt from the observation post. He called over fuor other men to join him and Alpheus. "We shall not be long. Hopefully, it is our savior we are rescuing. What change of circumstances?" Alpheus chuckled at the irony of the situation. Once Ajani was ready, he, Alpheus and four other men traveled down the beach side to follow the drifting body.

* * *

The Gaz'don demon tried its best to rouse Medusa from unconsciousness. It failed every time and time was not on their side. Fortune delivered them out of the mountain range and the river carried them near the beach. He hoped Medusa's body would be found. But there was another problem, how would the people of the island take to saving a potentially dangerous being, capable of destroying them all with a single look. Since being joined with Medusa, many of the Gaz'don  powers and abilities were limited but grew over time when Medusa wished to explore those capabilities. Residing on the island, isolated from a world that would destroy them both and nearly succeeded, they had a fascinating time. More so for the demon since its home was the domain many refer to as d

The Gorgon Chronicles
The Ieró Years, Paradise Sanctuary
Volume 1


The Island of Ieró, late summer, 62 AD

The high winds and the hard pounding waves were becoming the typical normal climate on the island. The refugees from Roman oppression have settled the near deserted island and quickly learned that storms for the summer season were particularly rough and torrential. In knowing this, they moved their encampment further into the island, away from the beach and added additional weather fortifications to their homes and to the beachfront. Many prayed for a quieter autumn and winter season concerning the weather. Time will tell as they have only occupied the island for less than four months. Still, it was blessing to be free and living on a bountiful island rather than in chains in a Roman slave pit.

Rome, it was a major concern for the refugees. In response to a possible threat, they have erected look out towers on the beach and in the hills watching for any seagoing vessels (merchant, slave or warships) passing by or attempting to make land fall to their island. For months, only the waves and migrating birds have visited their island, until one morning, another visitor made his way toward the island.

As the sun rose, two guards in an observation tower at the end of the beach tracked a being piloting a damaged raft toward the mountainside with very little success. From what they could see through the wind and rain, the person stood with a long rowing oar and negotiated the rough waters with noticeable difficulty into the mountain seaside. As he held on to the oar, the pilot managed to maneuver his damaged craft into the backside of the mountains and was never seen again.

Both guards looked at each other in bewilderment. They knew the waves slamming against the mountain side were treacherous and unforgiving. No vessel, regardless of size, can survive being slammed against the jagged rocks. That would have been the fate of the three vessels, Acestes, Poseidon and the Cowin if the Gray Witch of the Mountain had not intervened on their behalf.

"What do we do Saul? Do we try to go out and search for the raft and the owner?" the other guard named Silus asked.

Saul, holding onto the side of the observation tower shook his head. "No Silus. We stay here until this storm settles and then we will speak with the elders. They will know what to do."

"You just don't want to leave your post and take a nice walk in the storm, it that it?" Silus remarked with a smile as a mixture of rain and ocean water splashed him in the face.

Saul smiled and replied, "You know your brother very well."

As the storm raged on, the stranger in the raft managed to survive. In fact, the storm did not faze him in any way. He maneuvered his raft into a small channel barely accommodating his craft and continued to row until the channel ceased. Abandoning his raft he took a large satchel of what appeared to be eggs and climbed up into a medium size hole. He followed the cramped tunnel until he found a large grotto that suited his likes. He set the satchel down and looked to make a fire to dry himself off. Taking a dry flint and wood from his tattered cloak and in moments was warming his pale skin hands. Once he dried off and got comfortable, he would tend to his eggs and then to his experiments. He was thankful to the ancient gods for leading him to an uncharted island.

* * *

When the storm passed over the island, it was mid-afternoon. The sky hosted bright, warm sunshine with a few clouds. The island came to life after the storm: wild dogs played in the open hill and in the forest, birds were on a feeding frenzy as the storm afforded them scores of insects whose hives were destroyed by the high winds, and the villagers went about to repair any damage to their homes, storage facilities and the shipping dock they had constructed. Luckily, most of the structures weathered the storm with their supplies and tools sheds endured the storm. They went about their normal daily chores and some even sang praises for the freedom and life they made for themselves on the island.

A sense of happiness spread throughout the people on the island paradise. However, many secretly feared the day when it may all come to an end. They would defend their new home at all costs. This was on the minds of the elders as they heard the report from Silus and Saul while on watch in the early morning hours. Sitting in a circle in Kalindi's tent and eating freshly baked bread, Silus and Saul recounted the events of the early morning.

"Even if anyone could survive the waters on the mountain side, it will be difficult to search for them. Exploring the mountain range close to the sea has proven problematic and resulted in some of us receiving injuries of sorts. I do not believe it is worth our time." Silus said as he sipped cool water from a hollowed out coconut.

Saul sat up straight and added his opinion. "To be honest elders, it could have been an illusion or something we had mistaken for what appeared to be a man on a raft. It could have been debris the storm churned up from a vessel far away from here."

Alpheus considered both of the testimonies of Saul and Silus, as did Kalindi and Ajani. For a few minutes they whispered among themselves debating if any action should be taken. They sat straight and looked to the two young men.

"Thank you for reporting this to us and not taking any foolish action on your own to search for this visitor to our island," Ajani spoke in a calm but deep voice. "You showed good judgment."

"Moreover," Kalindi added. "You are also right to reconsider what you saw in this storm this past morning." She looked at them and then asked, "Did the person on the raft appear to be in distress? Was there any pleas for help that you could hear?"

Silus shook his head. "We heard nothing but the wind, the rain and the ocean waves. But from what we did see, the individual looked as if he was deliberately trying to sail to the rock side of the mountains."

Alpheus did not need to consult with his co-elders before speaking. "We will make an attempt to search for this visitor to the island. Do you think you can lead a party to the area you think this traveler landed?" Both men nodded their heads. "Very well, tomorrow morning you lead four other men into the mountain passes to ascertain the location of this visitor."

Kalindi held up her hand to speak. "Do not remain in the mountains after sunset. Return to the village with the light." Silus and Saul both understood and got to their feet. They bowed and then exited the elder's tent.

Ajani spoke his mind first. "I am beginning to wonder if this island is truly isolated if we have visitors sailing up to our shores every other month."

"We are visitors here as well, Ajani." Alpheus pointed out. "We were saved by the compassion of another and allowed to live here undisturbed."

"Yes, yes, this Gray Witch of the Mountain. You said she would leave us be if we don't not explore her mountain. How do you know she will keep her word? For all we know she could have been the one Silus and Saul observed this morning."

"You make a good point Ajani," Kalindi pointed out, adjusting her posture. "Do you propose going up to the witch's mountain and demand answers from her?"

Ajani stiffened. "Maybe, it is an option. We should not live in fear of her, the Romans, or unknown figures in the night."

"What should we be afraid of my friend?" Alpheus asked.

"We should be afraid of losing all that we have built in the short time we have settled this island. And we should defend it at all costs."

Alpheus and Kalindi had to agree with Ajani. With all that they fled from and all they have built, they could not lose it. Still they first needed answers and then the strength to defend their slowly thriving village. Sending a search party was the best decision they could make. If they discovered another refugee like themselves, maybe then they could offer sanctuary. If it was someone who came with hostile intent, then they would know what to do with that being. The following morning would bring the answers they required for the safety of their colony.

* * *

The next morning, just as the sun was about to rise, Ajani met with the party of six men on the beach near the observation post Silus and Saul occupied. He made sure all of them had provisions, tools and torches for their mountain trek. Deep down he wished he was accompanying them into the mountains as he first did when they settled the island, but the Maasai warrior had to remain behind not only to protect the village but to train others as well. Besides, in essence, he was going with them as he trained all six men.

"Remember, you have until sunset to be back here on this beach. Do not take any chance or separate. Stay together and rest in areas that are secure. Do you understand?"

"Yes Elder Ajani," all of the men said in unison.

"Above all, come back safely!" Ajani raised his hands and prayed over the six men in the language of his ancestors. When he was done, Saul and Silus led the four men down to the edge of the beach and slowly ascended into the mountain hills. The sun lit the sky in a beautiful array of colors, reflecting off of the water with a few clouds in the sky. He inhaled deeply and then went back to the village. Hopefully he could persuade Kalindi to make her special breakfast for him, if he promised to forge a special amulet for her as she requested. All things are possible, he thought to himself as walked to her hut.

* * *

Hours later, moonrise. Ajani stood impatiently at the watch tower waiting for Silus, Saul and the others to return from their mountain search. Keeping the bon fires going and then checking with the guards in the tower, Ajani did his best to not go into the mountains after them. He remembered telling them to come back before sunset. It was dark and venturing into the mountains on a dark night was not wise. He agonized over a decision to go after them. If they were lost and hurt, they could be running out of time. He looked up into the tower.

"Make sure you keep the bon fire lit. If the boys come back, come and get me no matter the hour," he ordered as he walked away looking back at the mountains.

"Yes Elder Ajani, we will let you know," voiced the guard not knowing what to say to comfort the Maasai elder.

* * *

The next morning, Ajani ventured into mountains at day break with nine volunteers. They attempted to follow the path Saul and Silus made and continued deep into mountains. For several days, Ajani searched the steep rock passes and cliffs but found no sign of first search party. Deep inside he wished he decided against their leaving to search for that mysterious visitor but it had to be done.

After three weeks of searching, Ajani gave up and prepared a remembrance ceremony in which the entire village attended. Six pyres were prepared to be set ablaze as Ajani led the ceremony. Each pyre represented the young man lost to the mountains. In a symbolic manner, Ajani approached each pyre and lit them individually. As the funeral pyres burned, the smoke from each one combined into one massive smoke column, telling a story that humans will become one in the great paradise. The villagers observed a period of mourning for two days according to their own cultural manner.

From her mountain abode, Medusa saw the fires, smoke and heard the lamentation of the villagers. She did not know why they were grieving but she shed tears none the less.

"I take it you will be visiting them in the near future to ascertain the source of their grief?" the Gaz'don demon asked, though it was unnecessary since it knew she would.

"Yes. These people fled from hardship only to find peace on this island. Now, not long after they have settled and made a life for themselves, they are grieving. I have to know what happened and if in any way they will look to this mountain for answers." Medusa wiped her face with the back of her hand.

"I hope they don't think we are the cause of their grief," the demon added.

Medusa nodded. "I don't want to have to defend myself in my new home." The weight of her words was heavy with grief, anxiety, and a touch of anger. Many years passed since she had looked and killed any being. It was something she would like to continue. "When they have finished their grieving practices, I will visit them."

* * *

After two days of mourning, the pyres were dismantled and the ashes scattered to the seas. A sense of loss hung in the air as everyone coped with the absence of the six young men. Since the Acestes departed for India to return some of the refugees to their homeland, the loss meant the colony may not thrive as they thought it would. Much speculation permeated through the village as to their future. Some wanted to leave and take their chances returning to an empire that would either enslave them, put them to death or worse. Others wanted to stay but looked to the mountain of the Gray Witch for answers.

This call was led by Ajani who, past the stage of grief, called for a march on the mountain. Kalindi and Alpheus called a special meeting of the elders. Ajani was brought inside Alpheus's hut to keep him from inciting a riot among the villagers. Medusa, several feet away shrouded in shadows in a tall tree, attended the meeting as well.

"We need to demand answers from this witch of the mountain. I find it all too convenient for her to demand that we stay out of the mountains and a short time later, our search party disappears. Maybe it was her on the seas. She did use her magic to calm the seas before. She could have conjured that storm to hide her motives!" Ajani's eyes were wide open, his breathing deeper than normal. He was ready for a confrontation, even if it meant his life. He paced back and forth while Kalindi and Alpheus, seated and calm, watched Ajani with concern. It was Kalindi who stood, touched Ajani on his broad shoulders and settled him. She gestured to a cushion on the floor and offered him food and wine.

"Ajani, I know you feel responsible for the young men in your charge because you trained them and to you they were like your sons." Kalindi bit her lower lip mentioning offspring to Ajani. His family was enslaved by the Romans and was separated from them. He never knew what became of them but one day he would be joining them. In the meantime, he dealt with the grief of losing six fine young men. Kalindi spoke softly. "We have to act calmly and rationally. I grant you that we know very little about this witch of the mountain but I seriously doubt she truly means us harm."

"Also consider this my friend," Alpheus spoke up after taking a sip of water. "The same elements that affect us can affect her as well. She is not a goddess but a person who understands more of the realm of the mystical than we do."

Letting out a deep breath and calmer, Ajani asked, "What do you propose Alpheus?"

"Why not ask her to help us in our search and discover the mystery of the being Saul and Silus spotted on the seas. If she is not aware of this intruder, the information we offer will be of some value to her. If anything else, she would want to investigate, not for our sake but for her own. I conclude that if she wants to be left alone but allow us to coexist with her on this island, peaceful cooperative means is the only solution for all of us."

Ajani smiled and noted Alpheus' bartering skills at work. He was right about the situation, the witch could be convinced rather than compelled to help the villagers ascertain the whereabouts of the six men. If they were alive, he thought. And also, the identity of the mysterious stranger on the seas during the storm had to be ascertained.

"All right my friends," Ajani relented. "Approaching the witch with caution and pleas for help is our best course of action. Who do we send to her?"

Kalindi and Ajani looked at Alpheus and smiled. Alpheus' shoulders heaved as he accepted the responsibility.

From her perch in a high tree, Medusa and Gaz'don demon had much to consider. The storm a few days ago was particularly strong and it may have had mystical connotations to it. Medusa needed to meditate more on the storm's curious nature. It was a day she spent in bed sleeping, if the storm did nothing else, it provided her a good day for rest. She turned her attention back to Alpheus, Ajani and Kalindi. The meeting went better than she had anticipated due to the fact no one would approach her mountain with false accusations of murder in the wake of the disappearance of the six men. Now she understood the villager's mood since arriving to observe the meeting of the elders. Alpheus was definitely right about one thing, Medusa will have to investigate the disappearance and the possible assailant to the island. For all she knew, everyone was in danger, including herself.

"I guess we should go back and clean the cave to expect our second visitor," the demon gathered in a playful sense.

"Anthea's presence would be more welcomed but this task should be for Alpheus as he is a leader of this colony."

"Colony? You make it seem like something great can grow from this populace."

"Don't you see it? There is a bright future for each soul here," she paused then added, "If we watch over them."

"This means-"

"This means we need to associate with them more. But first, let us look into the mountains where their men disappeared." Medusa adjusted her position in the tree carefully and cast her eyes to the mountains. The Gorgon eyes swept through the mountain and found nothing of concern. All Medusa surveyed was mountain rock, the occasional wildlife, and small indentations and crevices. She strained a little more to see into the caves and underground waterways that would be too difficult for anyone to traverse. She spotted a water outlet and followed the path back toward the source. She blinked in astonishment as her vision failed. Or more precisely, someone was blocking her ability to see through the mountain.

"There is a powerful spell placed on one of those mountains to thwart our vision. Not since Perseus have we encountered something so powerful!" The demon stated with annoyance. The snakes hissed in response. Two women happened to be walking passed the tree Medusa perched in. Upon hearing the sound of snakes, both women looked on the ground and walked with more caution. Fortunately, they did not look up into the trees, for they would have gotten a sight they would never forget.

"I think we should return to the cave and meditate on this occurrence." Medusa looked around her tree and back at the hut where Alpheus, Ajani and Kalindi emerged to address the concerned members of the village. She overheard them stating to remain calm and the elders will deal the situation. The one statement that made her happy was Kalindi's order for everyone to not venture into the mountains for any reason.

"That is good. It will give us the ability to focus on this anomaly." With that statement, Medusa leapt from the tree branch and landed on another tree branch and continued her flight until she reached the hills and then ran up to her cave. She had much to prepare for and possibly a battle to wage against an unknown foe.

* * *

The day grew to early evening and the sun slowly started its descent in the sky toward the horizon. Alpheus prepared a small travel bag for his trek to the Gray Witch's mountain. He tried to be brave for a moment before meeting what could be an angry being for intruding on her space, specifically when she requested not to be bothered. He gathered a skin filled with water, a couple of pieces of dried meat, two mangoes and his short sword. The Greek trader held the sword in his hands for a moment and considered taking it. Would the Gray Witch, M as she wished to be referred to, take it to be an act of aggression? She could not begrudge him any protection, especially if a wild animal would attack him. That notion settled the disquiet in his mind as he fastened the belt and sheath to his waist and left the storage section of the hut. The old man stopped in astonishment as he saw Anthea packing a large bag in the middle of the common area of the abode.

"And where are you off to my little one? Are you and some of the kids going play on the hills?" Alpheus said with a placating tone.

"No grandfather, I am going to see the Gray Witch of the mountain." Anthea's eyes cast to the floor.

Alpheus was stunned to hear what she said. "You are going where?"

"To see the Gray Witch. When my kite flew into her cave, she fixed it for me and returned it to me. She seems to me that she is a lonely person but I think she needs a friend."

Alpheus took Anthea by the hand and explained to her about the meeting with the Gray Witch and danger in the mountains. He suggested a possibility the she could be involved or worse cause the disappearance of the village's six men. Anthea shook her head and cried.

"Grandfather you are wrong! She would never do that! I can't believe you or the other elders could think that!" She screamed at him and buried her face his chest.

"My child, we are uncertain, we are not accusing her of anything. However, we feel she may know something we don't and I am going to go to her cave and ask her," Alpheus tried to sound certain of what he must do. "But tell me, why are you going to go to see the Gray Witch? I know you said to thank her but she wants to be left alone."

"I have been visiting with her for the last few days. I bring her fruit I pick in the forest, some food we prepare here and occasionally I bring clothes and other items I think she will need. I sense a hesitation on her part to accept them but she relents and we talk for a little while."

Anthea and Alpheus stared at each other. For a moment, the two of them did not speak until Alpheus looked at his granddaughter with a burdensome look.

"Anthea, I am amazed and frightened at the same time you were able to befriend the witch in mountain."

"M, we should call her M!" Anthea insisted. Alpheus nodded in agreement.

"M. You are right. We should treat her as a person and not as a thing in the mountains." Alpheus hugged and kissed his granddaughter. "I think you and I should go and seek M to ask her to help us with our problem. Maybe she will be happier to see you first."

Alpheus picked up the bag and took his granddaughter's hand. They left the abode and strolled through the village together enjoying the evening air. The sun began to set and the sky started to turn shades of orange, red and violet.

"Grandfather, do you want me to ask M to help us with the disappearance of Saul, Silus and the others?" Anthea watched her grandfather with scrutiny.

Alpheus shrugged and said, "If you can ask her if I can speak to her for brief moment, I can take it from there."

At the same time they put on a sly smile to each other. Like grandfather, like granddaughter.

* * *

Medusa sat cross-legged on a cushion with her eyes closed and her snakes hissing about her ears. She focused on the area of the mountain where her vision could not penetrate. As she and the Gaz'don surmised, a powerful spell was on that particular section of the mountain underpasses and a massive cavern. Whoever cast the enchantment, his or her mastery is equal to or greater than Medusa's capability. A powerful foe this individual could be if a conflict was to come about. She needed to know everything there was to know about the spell caster who made land fall in the storm many days ago. The safety of the villagers and Medusa's were at stake.

Her eyes tightened shut as she focused and chanted spells to penetrate the shroud around the cave. She started to sweat and clenched both her fists and teeth exerting all of her strength to break the spell. Finally, she got a response but not the one she wished for. The spell caster, aware that someone was attempting to glimpse into his realm, forced the eyes of Medusa out of his cave and in so doing, pushed Medusa hard off her cushion. It took her a moment to catch her breath and sit up.

"If I did not know better, I would say it was Hades preventing us from seeing into that place. It feels familiar when Perseus used his helm of illusion against us." The demon's words sent a chill through its host body. Medusa tried never to think of that day when she died at the hands of Perseus. Fortunately, fate and powers beyond her understanding brought her back to life but all of that was immaterial. When Medusa stood up, she walked to her ration of water and drank from a large deep spoon, provided by Anthea.

"Yes, the stench of the gods seems to live on. But here? On my island? I will not stand for this!" Medusa almost threw the drinking spoon across the cave but held on to it and set it back down gently. A look outside of her cave told her the sunset and nightfall was upon the island. "Have we been meditating for so long?"

"It seems so. That spell is too powerful to be breached. We will have to go to the source and dismantle the spell by dismantling the spell caster." The Gaz'don felt Medusa's hesitation but continued with its point. "Either we ignore this or something will emerge from those caves beyond our ability to handle. We must prepare ourselves."

Medusa did not argue for the demon was correct. She could not standby and allow a potentially dangerous being to grow his power. For a moment she thought about Anthea and the rest of the villagers. What would become of them? Putting her hood up, she walked to the edge of the cave to watch the sunset. The sky was bright and lit up in beautiful colors. Here and there the stars became visible.

"So beautiful!" Medusa whispered as she cast her eyes down into the valley. To her surprise she spotted Anthea being escorted by Alpheus. This was to be expected, a visit from Alpheus but she did not expect Anthea to visit so late in the evening. Usually the little girl would make her way to her cave in late morning or afternoon. This was unusual indeed, but then again, there was an unusual situation about the island.

When Anthea and Alpheus reached the bottom of the pathway, Anthea drew in a deep breath and called for her friend in the caves. "M? Are you there? It is Anthea and Alpheus. May we approach?"

Medusa ducked back into the cave to get a torch. When she returned to the entrance, she lit it, making sure not to light it close to her hood face. The flame illuminated the entrance and she waved to Anthea and Alpheus. "You may enter child. You and your grandfather."

Accepting the invitation, Anthea led her grandfather up the pathway to her cave. Medusa pulled out a small stool for herself and two cushions and placed them in the forward part of the cave. She was still not used to having people in her personal space but sooner or later this will have to change but only if and when she can reveal her true identity of her Gorgon nature. She placed the cushions together and then set the torch in a crevice over them. The stool was placed opposite the cushions to give Medusa a shadow to hide her appearance. A few moments later, Anthea and Alpheus stepped into the cave.

"M! How are you feeling today?" Anthea asked in excitement.

"Better, now that I see you today. I see your grandfather has accompanied you as well." Medusa noticed and gestured with her hand for them to sit.

Anthea handed Medusa a bag and then sat with Alpheus. "I picked you some mangoes and other fruit you may like and also there is a blanket in the bag for you, among a few other things you may want or need."

A sense of excitement fell over Medusa as she went thought the bag. She peeled a mango and began eating one while she moved the blanket aside and saw more writing implements and a couple of scrolls. She was more than happy. Alpheus took out the little bit of food he had and shared it with Anthea. For several minutes, the three spent the time snacking and making small talk. Medusa, several times noticed the short sword Alpheus was carrying but purposely ignored it. Finally, the elder Greek trader brought the conversation to a more serious tone.

"M, do you remember the storm a few weeks ago?" he asked after taking a sip of water from his skin and passed it to Anthea.

"Yes I do, I slept in that day. The storm was also reminded me of when you ships landed here on the island."

"We all still owe you a debt of gratitude for saving all of us. And it is the reason why I have come to speak with you." Alpheus paused and then continued. "During the storm, two of our sentries spotted what appeared to be a man on a raft or small boat sailing into the mountain side of the island. We have not spotted any debris or a body since the day of the storm. Ajani had sent Saul and Silus, the two sentries on watch that day, along with four other men into mountains to explore the other side and in attempt to find any signs of the mysterious sailor. The six men never returned. Days after, we looked for them but have not found a trace of our sons. A meeting was held with the elders and we discussed what course of action we should take in protecting our village. It was finally decided that someone should come to you to seek you help in discovering what has happened to our young men."

Medusa listened intently. She knew Alpheus left out additional conversations between Ajani, Kalindi and himself about placing blame on her for their disappearance. However she understood why he did that and as well as Medusa's reluctance to mention she was observing them in the trees during the meeting.

"I saw the fires on the beach. I imagine you were burning funeral pyres in remembrance of the ones you lost?" she asked with concern.

"Yes. Ajani as well as some of the people in our village took the loss very hard."

"My prayers go with all of you," Medusa placed her hand together and bowed her head.

"Thank you. I have come to ask you on behalf of the refugees you have rescued if you can aid us by exploring the mountains near the beach. I know you did not want any of us here on your mountain," he looked to Anthea and caressed her cheek. "But I am happy you made a small exception. Even allowing me to speak to you is truly a pleasure."

For a moment, Medusa felt as if she was being worshipped with Alpheus to start praying and offer a sacrifice. In so many years, she had forgotten how it felt to be needed and sought out for guidance and not the deadly reasons of her deadly eyes.

With caution she chose her words. "I have sensed something amiss in the mountains near the beach. I have attempted to see into all of the mountain ranges except for one closet to the beach front. It is here I believe the mysterious sailor has setup residence and wants no one to interfere with whatever plans he may be concocting." She stood up, careful not to let her full face be seen. "I will determine the nature of this disturbance and use all means available to secure the safety of everyone on this island."

Anthea jumped up from her cushion and hugged Medusa around the waist, taking the Gorgon off guard. "I knew you are not bad. I knew you will protect us as we should protect you!"

Medusa did not know how to respond! The child's sudden embrace almost prompted the Gorgon to swat her away but she restrained the impulse. And then her comment about protecting her and the people of the island was more a declaration than an emotional feeling. Whatever power Anthea had over Medusa, she slowly accepted it as a good thing. In response Medusa hugged her back. She then turned her head toward Alpheus who had a perplexed look on his face. Whether it was from Anthea's sudden embrace or her statement Medusa was not certain. However, she did see Alpheus' hand hover over the hilt of his short sword.

"Alpheus," she said in calm voice. "Tell the others in the village I will do all I can to find their sons and to see about this enigma that has befallen us."

Alpheus relaxed and then stood up. "I can never repay you for all that you have done for us and will do. We are in your debt forever."

Medusa allowed Anthea to return to her grandfather's side. "Do you need anything M? If you are going on a long journey into the mountains, you will need supplies." Anthea said.

"Well I do not need much, I think I can go-"

"You will need food and water for at least a day. You will need a torch and kindling. And maybe some chalk to mark your way in case you get lost!" Anthea interrupted.

Both Alpheus and Medusa looked at Anthea in amazement. This child is not only of concern and consciousness but intelligent as well. Even the demon agreed with their assessment. Medusa smiled and answered, "Yes my lady!"

The little girl blushed and stood behind her grandfather in mild embarrassment. "Seriously, I will do just that and you are right my little friend." Medusa stepped closer to Alpheus. "I noticed you are wearing a sword. Was that meant for me?"

"Only if you did not desire my presence. I decided to bring Anthea along at the last minute and I decided to keep it just in case…"

"Just in case I did not desire her presence as well," Medusa finished. A moment of awkwardness passed and then Medusa held out her hand. "I am not angry for you bringing a sword into my cave. In fact, I would be perplexed to not see you with some means of defense. May I borrow it? Who knows what I will find in the caves of the mountains near the beach."

Unfastening the belt that carried his sword, Alpheus handed the Gray Witch the short sword. She took it by the hilt and slowly unsheathed it. An eyebrow went up as she admired the quality of the blade. A two-sided blade that looked sharp enough to skin a large reptile. With the blade free of its sheath, Medusa twirled the blade around her hands in a manner a master swordsman would to get the feel of the weapon. It has been many years since she has held a well-made Greek sword in her hands. Due to her other powers and abilities, she would have no need for such a weapon. A feeling deep inside of her told her to take the weapon. From where this feeling came from she could not say.

"You seem to be familiar with Greek weapons, M," Alpheus observed as Medusa placed the blade back into the sheath. Lessons from Captain Theron at the temple came back to her in a welcomed yet distressing memory. Somewhere, far away from the island, his statue stands still for all time, just as the rest of the temple dwellers stood in that moment of dread.

"Long ago I was taught by a Greek soldier who was kind to me and was concerned about my safety. He taught me how to use many weapons."

"I see, where is he now, if I may ask?"

Medusa was not ready to reveal her past to Alpheus or even Anthea. Now was not the time for it. "He went away." Not providing any more information on the matter she switched back to the topic at hand. "Make sure everyone stays clear of the mountains until I contact you that all is well."

Alpheus nodded and asked, "How long should we wait until we start to be concerned about your disappearance?"

"Two days at the most. On the midday of the third day… if I have not returned…" she paused and considered her words. "I will leave it in your judgment to do what is best."

Alpheus nodded in response. "One final question, when will you go into the mountains?"

Medusa looked beyond her guests and saw that it was nightfall. "As soon as you and Anthea return safely to your village, I will start my journey."

"You promise to come back and tell me about your adventures won't you?" Anthea politely demanded.

"I promise to return with some amazing tales of my adventures."

Medusa bid them good night and waved her hand to Alpheus and Anthea as they made their way down the mountain. After a short while they returned to the safety of their village and Medusa prepared herself to enter the other mountains. In a quick motion, she gathered the food Anthea brought for her, a torch with kindling, strapped Alpheus' sword around her waist and placed the chalk in her small pouch. Taking a deep breath, the Gorgon left the comfort and safety of her cave dwelling.

A half-moon rose over the horizon, casting down light bright enough to illuminate the rough mountain terrain. She didn't need the light but it was welcomed. Medusa kept her focus on area she and the demon cannot penetrate with their vision. The sounds of the ocean were loud enough to lull her into a calming trance but there was no time for a relaxing nap. The oddly shaped mountain was the focus of her journey. As she walked closer to it, a feeling of foreboding gripped her.

"There is a great and powerful magic upon this mountain. I fear it will spread through this small mountain range and throughout the rest of the island." The demon's voice was a whisper in Medusa's mind. It too may be affected by the dark enchantment. The Gorgon allowed her fangs to bear and for the first time she truly embraced being a cursed demon woman.

"We shall see to it that it does not spread beyond this mountain!" Medusa roared aloud and charged ahead, determined to destroy whatever the source of the magic and to avenge the deaths of the six men lost in the mountain. For an hour, Medusa attempted to retrace the path they may have taken during their exploration of the mountain. Then the stench of blood and rotting flesh reached her sensitive nose. A hole in the side mountain, less than two feet wide, gave the indication the stench originated from within. She squeezed herself into it and crawled for several feet through a tunnel until she came to a large cathedral-like cavern with a ceiling dotted with dripping stalactites.

She fought the urge to light her torch, if there was another being in cavern, she wanted to keep to the darkness. She could use her extraordinary stealth abilities to stalk the unknown assailant. Medusa detected the remains of dead creatures, and men for that matter, but other odors assaulted her. Highly offended by the pungent aromas, Medusa took long deep breaths. Fortunately she could hold her breath for a long time, a trick that came in handy when she first stayed with her two Gorgon sisters Euryale and Stheno until she got used to their various aromas.

Her vision told a chilling tale of what has transpired in this cavern: body parts of small animals and human males littered the floor. She stepped on the bones of the dead, trying not to be disrespectful since the cavern was a graveyard. More and more, whoever or whatever did this will pay with their lives. Something moved in the darkness behind her and the serpents hissed a warning.

"I sense a very large creature descending along the cavern wall and coming behind us. It looks like a giant worm," the demon reported.

Medusa smiled and then asked, "Does it have eyes?"

The demon hesitated to answer for a moment then said, "Our vision is still blurry from the enchantment but yes, I detect eye stems."

Medusa nodded and continued to walk slowly. She reached into her cloak and pulled out the flint and torch. Her plan, light the torch and allow the creature to see her face and be turned to stone. She remembered she tried this on the Seraphai warrior Remiel who pursued her in the underworld. This time she will have more success. The worm closed in on Medusa and reared up on its body. As is poised to attack, Medusa turned quickly with her torch lit and made a startling shriek. The creature, unfazed by her gaze or the shriek, produced two clawed arms and with such speed and force, knocked Medusa clear across the cavern.

The blow sent the stunned Gorgon across the cavern slamming into several stalagmites, cracking and breaking them into pieces. She landed on her stomach and remained still for a moment. "Why didn't our gaze work on this creature?" she asked in a panic.

"It could be possible this creature is blind, therefore our gaze will not affect it as it should," the demon answered.

"You said you seen eye stems on this abomination!"

"I can only determine this creature is the young of the species and most animals are born blind!"

It made sense, however, the information would have been useful before entering the mountain. Then again, Medusa's vision was obscured by the enchantment of invisibility. It definitely reeked of the gods, Hades to be more precise. There was a possibility when the gods were destroyed, remnants of their influence could have been scattered across the world for anyone to claim and wield their power. Medusa made a note to one day search out these remnants and destroy every last trace of them.

As she finally got enough strength to turn over and try to get up, the worm pounced on her, pinning her arms to the rock floor. Using all of her strength, Medusa pushed against the worm, almost freed herself. The worm redoubled its efforts and pinned the Gorgon to ground. A small mouth opened and revealed needle-like pincers. Medusa's face felt saliva and other fluids trickle onto it as the creature lunged forward attempting to tear into her throat and rib cage. She managed to twist her body out of the way as the head of creature smashed into the stone floor. A check of her body told her she dislocated her left shoulder and broke the joining humerus at the shoulder. Pain was a luxury she could not afford as she was locked in a death struggle with a foul creature. It struck again and she the rolled the opposite direction.

The demon could sense the worm's frustration and as it straightened and prepare itself for a final strike, one which its prey could not avoid. Then Medusa and the demon thought in unison to bring another of the Gorgon's weapons into the fight. The serpents in Medusa's hair, including the white serpent, protruded out and bit into the worm's soft pale flesh. Razor sharp fangs and the deadliest poison even known seeped into the veins of the worm causing it to convulse, swell and burn. It let out several repetitive shrieks before it release Medusa from its grip.

The worm coiled and shook, as if it was attempting to escape the inner burning sensation. It intuited its own demise and let out a howl that made Medusa cringe. She stood and watched in curious amazement as the Gorgon venom worked its devious purpose. With the sword of Alpheus in her right hand, Medusa hacked at the worm until it stop shrieking and moving. Yellow blood spirted in all directions, some landing on Medusa giving off a smell worse that what she initially detected coming into the cave. Finally she stood up and surveyed the carnage of this beast. It was clear the fate of the six men were met by this mutant beast. She hoped it was the only one slithering in the caves of this mountain. She was wrong. The howls of pain the worm bellowed were not only death throes but a warning to others in its nest.

Soon the cave began to echo with the similar noises of the first worm. Medusa picked up the torch and held it in front of her to illuminate the small area of the cavern. She could make out seven similar worms approaching her slowly. Her enhanced hearing picked out twenty more on the walls and ceiling of the cavern. The first worm may have been the sentry for the nest. For the six men, their doom may have come when more of these creatures were awake and looking for food. Now it appeared they will avenge their sibling. Unfortunately, all of the worms approaching the Gorgon were blind just like the first one.

Her dislocated shoulder and broken humerus mended themselves back together. The multiple bruises and lacerations she suffered when tumbling through the cavern also started to heal but the body had no time for rest. Thankfully, her injuries healed strong enough for Medusa to grip the short sword and with a howl of battle, charged into the midst of the worms.

* * *

The Caretaker, more of his function and title than his name, moved from one recessed pool to another, dropping bits of human flesh and other animal remains for the strange assortment of mutated fish and other aquatic life he cared for. He looked as twisted and mutated as the numerous life forms he cared for. His eyes were just narrow slits in a misshaped head. His nose looked as if someone used a mace or club to flatten his nostrils. He had no lips to speak of and black rotten teeth were exposed. The skin over the rest of his body looked as he suffered a series of burns.

Possessing two fingers and a thumb on each hand, the Caretaker picked out a fore finger from the hand of Saul and tossed it into pool of carnivorous fish. The water churned and blood floated to the surface, the caretaker smiled and said, "I am sorry my children, but there is no more food to feed you. The worms are greedy creatures, never sharing with their friends. They can move about and hunt on land while you are confined to this pool. But soon I will release you all into the ocean so you can feed until you are satisfied." He turned and addressed the array of creatures held in cages, pools or nests. "I will release all of you onto the world so you may all feed!"

He danced and twirled about the pools, careful not to trip and fall in one of them. For whatever creature lurked about in the blue/green solution will make a meal of him. In the center of his domain, a giant crystal ball sat on a pedestal. It glowed and hummed, catching the attention of the Caretaker. He sauntered over to it and was astonished to see what the crystal displayed. It showed a snake haired female fighting the last of the worms with a sword. She impaled the worm in the mouth, twisted the blade and pulled out the sword out with such force the head of the worm split in two. The Caretaker howled in anger and he stomped around the lair in a fit.

"How dare this intruder kill my children? My beloved worms! All of them are now dead!" He walked to what appeared to be a nest of blue glowing eggs with silk netting attached to them. "Don't worry my children; I will avenge you brothers and sisters on this snake haired bitch."

In a loving manner, the Caretaker rubbed his deformed hand on the surface of the eggs. The eggs glowed and vibrated slightly, responding to his touch. He walked back to the crystal to see the demonic woman walking out of the cavern and down the corridor to the caretaker's lair. On closer inspection, he was able to see that the woman had been wounded badly during the fight and was nursing a limp of her left leg. Her head was bowed and he could not see her face, but the signature hair identified her as a Gorgon.

"I thought they were all dead. But maybe we can make this one our captive or mate. We should prepare." The caretaker rushed off to another chamber to don his armor and spear. He would wait for the Gorgon.

Medusa had not felt excruciating pain since her first death and coming back to life in caves of the underworld. She hoped she would never have to experience anything of this violent nature ever in her existence. Fighting the worms brought back the memories of the long underworld exile. Deep down she hoped to never find herself in a similar situation, but this infestation must be eradicated! It was a burden the Gorgon would take up with no hesitation or debate.

Through the fighting and painful victory, Medusa had come to realize she does not like pain despite her altered physique that can allow for a high pain tolerance. The numerous injuries she accumulated during her battle with the mutated worms firmed her decision to retrain herself in the fighting arts. All of that would have to wait until she dealt with the intruder. Her focus was to find the source of the infestation and to remove it forth with from her island.

Her journey from the cavern led her down a narrow corridor and then into a lair half the size of the cavern she previously came from but the ceiling was almost twice as high. The pathway she walked on was the only way in or out. A stone door slammed shut behind her as she entered. Then a creepy, maniacal laugh filled the hall and then died away. In a circular design the inner lair was shaped like a dome. Along the walls and in the ceiling were dotted with numerous smaller chambers with something, in every chamber, moving about. The stench of death hung in the air of the lair as the smooth green floor was littered with small bones, rotting flesh and other excrement Medusa took care not to step in. The environment of the second cavern she found fascinating yet disturbing at the same time. None of it held her attention as much as the crystal orb set on a pedestal in the center of the room.

"This is the source of the spell!" The Gaz'don demon declared as Medusa walked closer to it. A large, silver glass sphere cast a warped reflection of herself along its smooth curves. She was about to touch it with bronze finger nail when suddenly numerous flat metallic blades, thrown from an unseen assailant with such force and accuracy, barely missed Medusa as she flipped and evaded every one of them. The blades embedded themselves in the wall over a recessed pool and near one of the cages causing whatever creature within them to stir with anxiety.

"Get away from my crystal, Gorgon!" The Caretaker jumped down from a perch on the opposite side of the lair and landed on the platform facing Medusa. He carried a staff with long sharp point at the end pointing toward the intruder and the other side sported a long flat blade. Over his face was a large mask that covered his forehead, eyes and nose. Only his mouth and jaw remain exposed, revealing black jagged teeth.

"And there is the source of this entire calamity," Medusa told the demon inside her mind. Raising her sword in a defensive posture, Medusa backed away keeping a distance from the edge of the spear.

"You killed my worms Gorgon! I must have your blood for that!" the Caretaker shrieked.

Medusa was surprised to hear the same dialect and language from the days she lived in Greece as a mortal woman. She thought she would never hear that dialect ever again. A thought crossed her mind to inquire the creature standing in front of her but decided that dispensing with him would be best for all parties concerned. Medusa frowned and spoke in the same dialect, "You will find that hard to accomplish, sorcerer. It will be your blood I will be taking as payment for the six lives you have already taken."

"They have trespassed into my mountain and deserved their fate. The humans who made camp are also intruding on my island."

Intrigued by his insane argument Medusa replied, "And what of me? I came to this island many years ago. If anyone should have cause to be angry of intrusion," she pointed to herself. "I should."

"You could have easily dispensed with those humans on the island at your leisure. It is what you are…a monster! A sentinel to guard against invasion of any sort. I know of you demonic origins." A chill ran through both the demon and Medusa. What knowledge did this being have to know about Gorgons and of the Gaz'don demon?

"The Gaz'don were taken from their home and brought to this realm to become the servants of the fallen. I instructed them as to how to merge and produce a powerful being to control. Gaz'don were the most rare creature and difficult to assimilate but it was done. Of fifty, only three survived. I am proud to see the fruits of my knowledge. Yes Gorgon, I am, in my own way, happy to see you despite the intrusion and murder of my worms. I can be persuaded to forgive you."

Medusa was shocked by the revelation! Much of what he said was true and even the revelations from Remiel were now substantiated. Temptation crept into her mind. All around her were the making of powerful beings that she and this sorcerer could unleash and control the human populace to do their bidding. However, looking at herself, the sorcerer and the creatures around her, they were all unnatural abominations. This was perhaps her purpose in her new life, to destroy such evil things and protect humanity. Ironic since she is a cursed demon woman and men sought after her head; one succeeded but was resurrected. The Gaz'don demon inside of her, a helpful creature for Medusa, can attest to what this being is doing is wrong.

"What is your name sorcerer?" Medusa asked in an emotionless tone.

The Caretaker shrugged, "I have no name. I am the Caretaker. I take care of rare and beautiful creatures as you see here and," his voice changed. "The worms you killed. Still, they are more of them in the eggs from their parents!"

"Caretaker, I cannot allow you, your creatures as you call them, or the stench of this perversion to ever again leave this mountain. You serviced the gods of Olympus and because of this I have been damned to this life. What may be a curse is also my salvation. But for the hundreds, no thousands of souls your existence has caused to enter oblivion, I will destroy you and your pets." Medusa raised her sword and stepped closer to the caretaker.

From behind his mask, his eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, there is power here in this very cavern that can be yours if you lower your sword and join me."

There it was again, the temptation. He consistently made offers for Medusa to take, rather than to initiate a conflict. Then it came to her, he was stalling her for time. The demon alerted her of a rising threat behind Medusa. In one of recessed pools she backed toward, dozens of pale colored tentacles extended up and branched out to surround the Gorgon. Before she could react, the Caretaker shouted, "GET HER!"

On command and with astonishing swiftness, the tentacles lashed out and gripped Medusa's limbs, waist and neck with a strength that she nearly surrendered to it as it proceeded to choke the life out her. She brought her sword up and slashed at the tentacles in fury. However, every one tentacle she severed two or three took its place. Either this creature was able to grow more appendages when injured or there was more to this beast than she knew of.

"Medusa, we are losing this battle!" the Gaz'don demon expressed in a panicked state. This was knowledge not beyond Medusa's grasp to understand. Yet, the fact of the matter was it was right, she was losing the battle.

The Caretaker laughed as he leaned on his spear, watching Medusa struggle for her life.

"I would be open to any opinions as to how to free ourselves from this tentacle rage." Medusa slashed a few more tentacles and cut away the ones wrapped around her throat. She breathed a bit more easily but still remained in the deadly embrace of the creature.

 "This reminds me of those multiple limbed creatures in the seas…octopus I believe you call them. It must have a head the center of this mess. Aim for its head!"

Medusa allowed herself to be drawn closer to the center of the mass of tentacles but kept resisting. Soon, she saw a massive beak with a tentacle tongue. Medusa smiled as she pushed back against pull of the tentacles and then launched herself into the mouth of the beast with the sword in front of her. The blade of Alpheus pierced the creature's throat, brain and other organs. Red blood splattered Medusa in the face and eyes, temporally blinding her. It flailed about in pain and finally it collapsed and died.

The Caretaker roared in anger. "That will be last of my children you smite, Gorgon!" He lunged at Medusa's backside as she crawled out of the mass of dead tentacles and wiped the blood away in time to see a new attack from the Caretaker.

Off balance and sliding on the blood and tentacles, Medusa managed to parry and deflect the spear attacks. "Oh no my friend, I plan to destroy all of your supposed children and send you to the flames of damnation." The taunt only renewed the Caretaker's attacks and the two combatants were locked in mortal combat. All of the creatures in the pools and cages started to call out in reaction to the Caretaker's battle. If Medusa did not know any better, she thought they were cheering the Caretaker on. No matter, she was not offended in the slightest, for if he loses their doom was assured.

Fatigue begun to take hold of her as constant battle and injury made her movements sluggish. Soon the Caretaker, demonstrating his skill at spear fighting, will make the killing blow that will end Medusa in one stroke. His mask, she thought. If she could take is mask off, she could petrify him and this conflict would be over. An opening came when he dropped his guard and with an upward slash Medusa left a deep gash in the visor. In response to the damage to his protective visor, the Caretaker twirled his staff and cut Medusa's left thigh. She staggered back a bit and as he tried to press the point home, Medusa's left hand made an alternative gash on his visor. An X marked the spot for Medusa to destroy his visor. Regrettably, the Caretaker did not allow Medusa to execute whatever scheme she was devising. In an unpredictable move, the Caretaker rushed at Medusa, holding his staff front of him, and pushed her into one the pools. He began to laugh loudly, "Feast my children, there is enough flesh for all of you! Eat until you are satisfied!"

Inside the murky, blue/green water, Medusa allowed her body to sink to the bottom. She cast her head upward and could see the Caretaker laughing, dancing and prancing about in victory. In murky water, Medusa waited. Suddenly, dozens of voracious, sharp teeth fished descended upon her. Some started to nip at the wounds on her arms, thigh and back. One fish darted for eyes and then was turned to stone. She turned her head and petrified a half dozen more. Soon she will solidify every carnivorous fish in this pool until she found the right sized fish.

The Caretaker noted the bubbling frenzy in the pool of carnivorous fish died down quicker than he anticipated. Either they finished the Gorgon off faster than he planned or something was dreadfully wrong. He leaned over the edge of the pool to investigate. Floating at the top of the pool were small stone versions of his fish. Before he could react, Medusa grabbed the largest petrified fish and from underneath the water, hurled the fish to strike dead center on the X of his visor. The visor shattered in many hot shards of metal, scratching his skin. With his eye protection gone, Medusa pushed off the bottom of the pool with all the strength left in her legs and shot of the pool and looking into the eyes of the Caretaker. The posture all too familiar to Medusa as the Caretaker froze in the horrible pose with his hands up trying to look away but was too late.

The fight was over. Medusa landed and then collapsed onto floor of the lair to catch her breath. From all of the cages and pools, the beasts' chanting ceased. A mournful silence was observed in the chamber; the only sound heard was Medusa's hard breathing for several minutes. Not since the battle with Perseus did she feel so fatigued. The floor was cool to her touch and all she wanted to do was sleep. She glared at the silver orb wondering what to do with it.

"This device should be studied," the Gaz'don thought as it pondered about the orb.

"No my friend. If this orb can block our ability to see, it is a weapon dangerous to us. It must be destroyed." The demon did not argue as Medusa rolled onto her side, observing the statue of the Caretaker, its features unrecognizable. And then idea came to mind.

Standing up on shaky legs, she stood up leaning on the statue. Then summoning all of her reserve strength, she lifted the statue by its legs, ripping it from the floor of the lair, and hurled the statue into the orb. The Caretaker shattered into numerous stone debris, scattering across the floor and into the pools of his "children". The orb started to glow, vibrate and show cracks that twisted all around its being. Soon after, the orb exploded, sending glowing shards in all directions, setting fires in the cages of some of the beasts. Some the hot debris landed in a small alcove filled with barrels of flammable chemicals. It too exploded and shook the entire lair. What was once the Caretaker's dominion was now an inferno with the internal temperature increased dramatically.

Medusa pressed herself again the floor at the initial explosion and watched the rumbling spectacle with wonder. "We cannot stay here," the demon bellowed deep within Medusa's mind. "The heat and increasing pressure will bring the mountain down upon us. We will either be reduced to ashes or be buried alive. I am not looking to stay underground for the rest of my existence."

Medusa agreed. With the destruction of the orb, her vision was coming back slowly. She looked for a way out of the lair and found none at first. The passageway leading out of the room was blocked and time was not with Medusa to look for the release to raise the stone door or dig her way out. Then another way out presented itself. Between two pools a few feet away was a catch basin and beyond that a drain tunnel. It led out of the lair into an underground river that emptied into the sea.

"The hole is big enough for you to crawl through. We better -" the demon was shocked at how fast Medusa was up and running to the basin. She slid head first into the basin and into the drain. The tunnel was snug but she managed her way through it. No sooner when she left, the entire lair erupted it a brilliant fireball.

"Oh no," Medusa whispered to herself as she realized that the pressure from the blast would have to escape in some way, through the tunnel she crawled through. The pressure mounted to the point she was propelled down the length of the tunnel at a fantastic speed. Approximately one quarter of a mile away, the drainage tunnel emptied into an underground river that flowed to the sea. The cavern shook from the explosion. High near the ceiling where the drainage tunnel exited, Medusa's body shot out and slammed into a large stalactite column. She was knocked semi-conscious, leaving a large fissure. Her body landed in the raging river and was carried out to the sea.

As she floated on the waters, her body relaxed. She felt no pain and even managed a smile on her face. "We did it," she whispered. "We saved the people of the village. We saved Alpheus, Ajani and Kalindi. We saved the children. We saved Anthea."

"Medusa, stay awake!" the demon beckoned. "Don't go to sleep!"

Medusa answered. "Please, let me sleep. I worked so hard for this rest." Her eyes closed and Gorgon's body floated to the sea.

* * *

Meanwhile, the ground around the village shook from an explosion in the mountains. Birds and other land animals scattered in a panic. The people stopped to wonder what could have caused such a tremor. Ajani, on the beach at the time, looked up to see part of the mountain where Saul, Silus and the others never returned, collapse and cause a rockslide. Thankfully the surrounding, smaller ranges contained the avalanche, thereby protecting the village. Alpheus and Kalindi ran to join Ajani on the beach.

"What was that? An earthquake? An eruption?" Kalindi asked.

Alpheus and Ajani exchanged looks and shrugged. "There was no fire when the rumble started. Nor is the ground continuously shaking. Whatever it was, it sounded as if it came within the mountain." Ajani walked a way for a moment to climb into the nearby observation tower with two other sentries.

"If the disturbance came from the mountain," Kalindi started to ask. "Didn't this Gray Witch, M as she called, venture into the same mountain?"

Alpheus closed his eyes and prayed for her safe return. "We can only hope that whatever transpired, she will be alive and well. M struck me as an individual that is capable of great things but a dark secret holds her back. This could be why she has not come down from her mountain and associated with all of us."

Kalindi nodded and looked back at the mountain. The tremors ceased and the mountain, beach and the island calmed and then settled. Kalindi was about to speak when Ajani yelled from the observation post. "Look, I see something…or rather someone floating in the water! The tide is carrying the body down the shore." He looked to Alpheus and Kalindi for advice on their next course of action.

"Can you see who it is Ajani?" Alpheus asked. "Can you tell if the body is male or female?"

"No," he replied.

Alpheus then said, "Gather some men, we will follow the tide and recover the body. If it is the Gray Witch, we can thank her. If it is the being that is responsible for our losses, then we will escort him back into the sea."

Ajani smiled then leapt from the observation post. He called over fuor other men to join him and Alpheus. "We shall not be long. Hopefully, it is our savior we are rescuing. What change of circumstances?" Alpheus chuckled at the irony of the situation. Once Ajani was ready, he, Alpheus and four other men traveled down the beach side to follow the drifting body.

* * *

The Gaz'don demon tried its best to rouse Medusa from unconsciousness. It failed every time and time was not on their side. Fortune delivered them out of the mountain range and the river carried them near the beach. He hoped Medusa's body would be found. But there was another problem, how would the people of the island take to saving a potentially dangerous being, capable of destroying them all with a single look. Since being joined with Medusa, many of the Gaz'don  powers and abilities were limited but grew over time when Medusa wished to explore those capabilities. Residing on the island, isolated from a world that would destroy them both and nearly succeeded, they had a fascinating time. More so for the demon since its home was the domain many refer to as d
Copyright © 2020,, Tyrone Ross