Herstory, Part Two - Birthday

     After telling the story of her decapitation and subsequent execution, Medusa noticed she was rubbing the part of her neck where the vorpal sword viciously tore through. She felt the blade severe blood vessels, bone, spinal cord and muscle. A faint scar would indicate the jagged mark where the sword passed through her neck in two places, but supernatural healing made any such mark leave no trace. Demon physiology and angelic intervention, she thought. She noticed her eyes welling up with tears. Medusa swiveled to the side in her chair, away from the Jerimiah, and removed her glasses. She didn't cry out as it was obvious from her reaction this event was still a traumatic issue.

     Jerimiah sat back in his chair typing a few things on this tablet giving her a moment to compose herself. He quickly busied himself in saving all of the data he acquired this evening thus far and saving the testament of the Gorgon Medusa. After what seemed to be several minutes she just sat there and quietly wept to herself. Jerimiah reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a white handkerchief with blue trim which had the initials JC and SR (the initials of Jerimiah Clarke and Samantha Reid). He reached across the desk and politely tapped Medusa on the shoulder. "Here, you can borrow my handkerchief if you wish."

     Careful not to turn and look his direction, Medusa simply held out her hand and Jerimiah placed it gentle in hers, noting the long bronze nails. Her hands didn't seem as demonic as when he first saw them, more fragile and gentle. No matter what this being was, she was a woman with feelings. She wiped her eyes with the handkerchief. Curiosity and keen eyesight allowed Jerimiah to see one serpent poking out from the hood. The snakes were reacting to the emotional state of Medusa. He could only imagine what they would do if she was angry. Recounting the horrible, violent tale of her death, the serpents hissed and squirmed slowly. He only hoped she didn't just lose it, fly into a grief stricken rage and as a result, turn Jerimiah into stone right in office and then placed on display in the museum. His instincts told him to run for the door, but he decided against it. This was an opportunity of a lifetime, a discovery of the ages! Leaving now would be a big mistake, not to mention insulting to the Gorgon host.

     Reaching for the dark shades, Medusa replaced them over eyes, adjusted her hood and turned slowly back to Jerimiah. "I'm sorry," she said in low voice. "Just remembering that…circumstance is still something very hard for me to deal with."

     "I don't imagine anyone, who suffered as much as you have, would easily forget the pain." Jerimiah surmised.

     A look of relief appeared to settle on the Gorgon's face. In her long life, she had only told a few people of the specific events of her death. Very few she trusted and felt comfortable with, allowing her defenses to be lowered and feelings to surface. It was dangerous to do so because of some the regret for lives she had taken sometimes haunted her.

     Jerimiah looked at her quizzically. "I take it you haven't attempted to seek therapy for your…tragedy?"

     "I wish there was a qualified therapist who would have the courage to sit down in a room and psycho-analyze me. It would appear you will have to do for now Mr. Clarke."

     "I don't know about that. I have a friend who lives on Long Island and she does some great therapy sessions, maybe you could-" Stopping in midsentence he noticed Medusa looking directly at him, lips a thin line. "Yeah, you are right, not a good idea."

     "As I said before," Medusa continued. "Very few know my story. I have seen the stories of the Gorgons and I shake my head as to how wrong it all is. But I dare not reveal my real story to just anyone. Could you imagine how the world would react if elements of what we call mythology, supernatural and the occult exist in this age? It would start a panic the world has not seen since the flood. So I ask you again, all that you hear from Medusa, keep to yourself. But of Cynthia Petrakis, she will become a more visible figure as she emerges from a slumber. Hence the whole purpose of this evening's Gala, the Foundation and the acquisition of this museum and other exploits," she gestured with her hand.

     "Wait a minute. You are relocating to the states. Are you leaving Greece because of the economic strife there?"

     "Yes. If and when the country falls into chaos, how long will it be before my mansion, warehouses and other properties will be ransacked?"

     Jerimiah sat forward in his chair. "But with your vast wealth, knowledge and influence, you could be a force of good and establish a new path for the nation of Greece."

     She sighed and then said, "For a few years, I have considered planning a course of action that will enable Greece to save herself. However, corruption is a plague that has gripped the planet and will not release it without out a fight. It would take all of Cynthia Petrakis' influence, time and money to make one person see the light. Yet, a glance from Medusa would shake an entire continent."

     The words penetrated deeply into Jerimiah's soul. A supernatural being in control of the destiny of the world? It would have benefits and pitfalls. Democracy will die if Medusa exercised her influence on a nation slowly dying from corruption and in denial of such a circumstance. A long moment of silence passed between them.

     "You my friend," Medusa started. "May be the fifth and or sixth person in a 3,000 year lifetime I will tell my story to. I charge you to be the keeper of my secret in order to protect Cynthia Petrakis and all she has accomplished. It is a considerable task, I know, but the reason I have chosen you is because of your attachment to the chronicle amulet you touched in my coffer. Tell me, what did you see?"

     Jerimiah felt the roles reverse. It was now Medusa who asked in such interest as she leaned forward with her hands folded on the desk.

     "I saw an island, then people of different cultures living on that island. There was a mountain and a cave with an opened door, however I could not see who or what resided inside." He paused for a moment to recall the psychic rush he experienced in the exhibit hall. Mentally, he slowed down the images that blurred passed him. "I also saw members of my family through the years. They all kept track of our family history in some manner. There are gaps in our family line and some members of my family sought to trace our roots beyond five hundred years. I guess explains why I took up history and archaeology. But I have yet to do any research into my own life. I was adopted and raised by another family named Clarke. I always knew they were not my family and decided not to go looking for my real family. I huess discovering that amulet and meeting you has changed all of that."

     Medusa smiled a genuine, beautiful and heartfelt smile. "The people you saw on that island were enslaved peoples fleeing from the Roman Empire. They, among others, were to be transported to Rome to be sold. The people came from different regions around the Mediterranean. You came from the Eastern African tribes, the Maasai, and your ancestors fought off the invaders until they were defeated and shackled. But fate intervened due to a Greek trader doing business in the region saw the slave ships in port. They managed to help the enslaved take over their ships and sail for freedom. In a power storm at sea, they found sanctuary on the island I inhabited when I was resurrected. I have befriended them and since the time of destruction of the island, I have been searching for the descendants from the island. Many left to search for new homes around the world. I am glad to know some of the descendants survived through the ages," she gestured to Jerimiah.

     "And you know all of this from me touching this amulet?"

     "Yes. The amulets were crafted by your ancestor Ajani. He and I created these mystical archives to preserve the knowledge of a family line. They can only be accessed by the bloodline of the one who has taken possession of it. The possessor can access the memories stored within the amulet and you can add to it as well. These amulets have been passed down from generation to generation."

     Jerimiah leaned forward toward the Gorgon, a move most people would not dare to commit. "So, are you saying that I am the rightful heir to…Ajani's amulet? Can I have it?"

     A daring chess move she thought to herself. "In due time. Though you are heir to the amulet, I must know you will be able to keep it safe and one day pass it down to your children. For now, let me keep it in my possession until I am comfortable it will not be damaged or lost. Deal?"

     "Deal." Jerimiah answered as he extended his hand across the desk to meet Medusa's. Deep down he wished he could just take it and learn more of its secrets. Considering the fact Jerimiah was trespassing and slowly would have to gain Medusa's trust, her decision made sense.

     "Let's drink to that. What is your poison?"

     "Rum and Coke if you got it."

     Medusa gracefully moved about and took up the coffee cups on the desk and cleaned the coffee pot. She then came back to her desk and produced two glasses, a bottle of Spiced Rum and two cans of Coca-Cola from a lower drawer. Behind and off to the right of her desk was a small refrigerator where she retrieved an ice tray. With the skill of a bartender, two rum and cokes were mixed to perfection.

     "To new partnerships," she said holding up her glass. Jerimiah grasped his and tapped her glass in a toasting gesture and drank.

     "This is really good. I think you missed your calling," he said in admiration sipping his drink.

     Medusa chuckled a bit. "Well being a high priestess, you were privy to mixing potions for various needs and wants. The mixtures were for medicinal use, for me and those who maintained the temple."

     Jerimiah finished his glass of rum and Coke and then picked up his tablet again. "I noticed that you do not speak about Athena or the other Greek gods. You hold resentment against them?"

     The edge of her pointed finger circled the rim of the glass, creating the resonating sound accustomed to crystal wine glass music. Jerimiah raised both eyebrows and wondered how she was doing that. But then it occurred to him that a Gorgon was sitting across from him was the current normal.

     "You have heard the expression, 'With great power comes with great responsibility?' It is a statement that has no meaning unless you understand that your power can be used for a purpose. Whether it is to help or harm, a decision must be made. You cannot simply sit idly by and do nothing." She poured another glass of rum, straight and downed it quickly. "These gods, as so many calls them, have wasted their powers, exploiting weaker beings and even stealing from other dimensions to save what they have plundered. When you read mythology, does it not occur to you that the gods could have simply resolved many issues instead of causing them? Take me for example. Why do you think I was cursed, banished and beheaded?"

     "According to mythology, you had sex in the temple of Athena, breaking your vow of chastity. But further study indicated you were raped by Poseidon because you dared to captivate a god; Athena was just jealous of your beauty." Jerimiah said with unerring clarity.

     "You are absolutely right, according to mythology. But it is absolutely wrong. History is so often distorted it should be-"

     "Told by women instead of men?" Jerimiah interjected.

     "He is sharp this one," voiced the demon inside Medusa's mind. "Very sharp. We will have to keep the proverbial eye on this one."

     "Agreed," she said to the demon.

     "You are quite right," speaking to Jerimiah. "But it is a human failing to distort life as it was perceived to suit their nature. I look at life objectively and made sure any who would follow will be able to learn from what was and not to embellish any of the facts. Hence, part of the reason why my story is so clouded and vague."

     "I have to ask, since coming back to life and traveling the world incognito, did you erase any leads about your existence and that of your Gorgon sisters?"

     Medusa leaned back a moment. "I have spent many years destroying, or rather, collecting what evidence of my existence and that of the Gorgons and other creatures' existence. For a time, I was a demon hunter, or more correctly, a monster hunter. When Olympus fell, many monsters that were created by them and their acolytes were set lose across the face of the planet. In fact, your ancestors helped me hunt down monsters for nearly a century until we lost touch. Facts and historical accounts have also been lost. I have spent many years locating such items and storing them away."

     She paused for a moment and looked at Jerimiah intently. "I will tell you something that I have not told to anyone, except those in my inner circle as far as Cynthia Petrakis is concerned. As we discussed, Greece is going through radical changes and is struggling against itself. I have come here to relocate my interests to America for the time being. Many of my storehouses, artifacts, research facilities and wealth will be here in New York City as well as other states and Canada. When my homeland is safe to return I will re-establish my status there. For now, I would like for you to assist me with the relocation, cataloging and research. I will pay you well for your services and your silence of my secrets. What say you to that?"

     Every second Jerimiah spent with this Gorgon woman, it seemed that all of his interests and dreams of a great archeological/historical find were being met in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Madame Medusa," he bowed his head in respect. "I accept your gracious offer. I will not let you down."

     The two of them shared another drink of rum and sat in silence for a few minutes. Medusa looked at Jerimiah and noted that his vital signs were returning to a calm, normal level. In some sense, the polite conversation, the offering of opportunity and even the rum, has made her guest relaxed. It was important if he was to be working closely with her; he had to learn to be used to a being, a cursed demon woman, living in the modern world. Curiosity and the thirst for knowledge of his family line and of Medusa kept him grounded, or rather seated in the chair across her.

     "What else do you wish to know? I cannot tell you of my entire life in one night. It would be impossible. If it has taken 3000 years to live it, it will take that long to tell it. I've killed thousands of people from the time that I was cursed to the time I was beheaded. In the years after my death, hundreds, possibly thousands more fell to the sight of these Gorgon eyes. Who knows how many beings Athena used my head to destroy before Olympus fell. I'm pretty sure there are entire cities in Greece filled with stone statue graveyards simply because individuals dared to defy her. I would not put it past her if she used my head to dispense with some of the other Greek Olympians and their demigod children. My conscious mind doesn't have recollection of all of the faces I stared into. However, with my natural mental abilities and my other powers, I could take a good hard look into the subconscious. Either I or the demon inside of me remembers all of the faces. I tend not to ask it about those faces that I've gazed upon without my knowledge. Sometimes I see faces in my nightmares."

     She cleared her throat and began again. "Also, the hour grows late. I need to rest. So if I can answer one more question, I will. I see you are very intrigued with me."

     Jerimiah understood Medusa. Besides, he needed to go to Samantha's place soon after this midnight meeting. "Just tell me, how you became the Gorgon that is sitting across from me."

     The demon spoke, "Does he mean for when you and I were joined or when I came into existence. That is a great story to tell."

     "I think he means when you and I first met," she replied with a smile internally. "Besides, if we are to tell him about us, we must do it slowly."

     "Ah, that is a tale worth telling to end this night." Medusa leaned back in her chair and Jerimiah readied his tablet but frowned that he had only forty percent battery power remaining.

     "This particular story began on my twenty-first birthday. That was the day I became a Gorgon…"

Sanctuary of Athena, several miles from the fishing village of Kavoúri, Greek Islands, Aegean Sea, 1695 BC

     The sound of waves crashing on the nearby beach and a warm wind blowing through her room was a pleasant way for the High Priestess Medusa to wake up from a restful night's sleep. Her room, located in a tower facing the east, was not as lavish as other High Priests and Priestesses in Greece. She didn't need such luxuries and frowned upon others who used the people they were serving, in honor of the gods of Olympus, as a means of a fine living. Many of the worshipers were poor and Medusa made sure their praise of Athena was always rewarded for their faith. She performed many tasks for the people ranging from healer, counselor, and mediator when necessary. Inside of the temple, she saw to the day to day activities: prayer services, sacrifices and educational orations of the goddess Athena.

     Medusa performed her numerous duties with the grace and skill of any other priest twice her age. And now, she turned twenty-one. She was happy to not only be in the service of Athena, but to successfully keep her vow of chastity and virginity for so long. She heard the stories of priests and priestesses forsaking their vows and the gods took furious vengeance upon them as well as the other servants. Very rarely, in their anger, would the gods limit the punishment to just the one transgressor. She always prayed for the strength and courage to continue on the path Athena laid out for her. In all of her days, she has been successful and thankful.

     But today, on her twenty-first birthday, Medusa was eager and excited. She took one day out of the year to spend entirely on herself. Not to say she would neglect her duties, but to focus on the exploits she enjoyed without interruption. Wearing a white woven gown, she sat up on her soft bed and looked out the window of her towered domicile.

     The sun slowly rose and the light illuminated the beach several yards away. Waves crashed on white sandy beaches and she could swear the sea was calling to her. Her list of things to do entailed: sun bathing, swimming, collecting shells. Additionally she could continue her studies of nature and document her thoughts in her journal. She had kept hundreds of pages of since her father taught her how to write at the age of five.

     Medusa stopped to think about her family for a moment. It had been years since she seen them, since being summoned by Athena's acolytes at the age of nine. Her parents were elated and saddened when their daughter was taken away, but she was favored by Goddess Athena. Many blessing was heaped on that household for providing such a beautiful servant who would later become a priestess to Athena. Medusa looked forward to the day when she will be able to see her family. Athena forbade contact with her former life but still, deep down, Medusa wished Athena could grant her just one day of spending time with them. Perhaps the high priestess could make some sort of a gesture to her goddess, a sacrifice pleasing to Athena that she may just decide to allow Medusa to go home to her family on the farm. She deeply hoped for that day.

     Still going through her pages, some of them began to fade, tear or disintegrate. She frowned as she handled them gently. At some point she will have to transfer the damaged pages to new sheets and sealed them in her coffer. She could spend some time in the early morning hours transcribing the older notes onto new parchment, but it would not leave time to transcribe new thoughts. Another alternative was to have one of her trusted aides to do the task of transcription, but her thoughts and other information were for Medusa's eyes only, those and maybe her mistress, Athena. Not only were these her thoughts, these pages contained spells, incantations, observations and other information were written upon the delicate parchment.

     "There has to be a better way of keeping thoughts and ideas preserved for a long time…for all time," she said out loud. This would be another project of hers. Then she wondered if she was venturing into a realm reserved for the gods? It was the task of gods to keep things forever or to let time cause them to fade away. Regardless, she will find a better way to preserve the thoughts and ideas of mankind.

     She walked across her small room and opened a chest. Inside she withdrew several rolls of new parchment and roll of goat skin. On a small table, she spread out the goat skin and then placed the worn pages written side down and folded the skin on top of them. After several minutes, she carefully folded twelve pages in the goat skin in an attempt to preserve them before they deteriorate any further.

     Satisfied, she placed the folded skin back into the trunk and then sat on her bed with a writing charcoal and a blank scroll. She gazed out her window looking at the fading stars as the sun slowly rose. It was the middle of summer and the sun will be high in the sky and very warm. Perfect for sunbathing when it reached the midday hour, Medusa would have to make sure all of her morning temple duties were complete so she could enjoy the light. The sensation of the sun on her skin was an activity she enjoyed, although it drew questionable looks from the other females at the temple but no one dared to approach Medusa about her activity. Even her servant girl, Airlea, resigned and then relished the idea of spending a few minutes in the sun with her mistress.

     Aside from documenting the position of the sun and noting the seasons, Medusa was aware of the stars were forming curious patterns in the sky since becoming high priestess five years prior. Symbols of a language she surmised, somehow communicating with her, or to anyone capable of finding their meaning. Could it be a message from the gods? Athena would occasionally visit Medusa in a physical form or through signs in her dreams. Communicating through the stars was not uncommon for those who understood the meanings. Yet the patterns were a mystery, one she enjoyed to chart and eventually solve its enigmatic message.

     When she was done writing, Medusa bounded off her bed, replaced her scrolls and walked over to a full length mirror. Slipping out of her woven nightgown, Medusa stood naked and began inspecting her body. She was not admiring it or allowing vanity to dominate her reasons of self-examination; she was checking for blemishes, bruises or, as most women would do, signs of age. The gods blessed her with a beautiful body and she has done all she could to take care of it. Her diet was more important than keeping in shape, which was a regular activity, but it consisted more of fruits and vegetables, grains and other produce from the earth. Occasionally, she will dine on heavy meats such as sheep, goat or cattle, but it was a rarity. The nearby fishing village of Kavoúri brought fresh fish for the temple every day. Fish, she decided, would be a fine dinner for her birthday.

     Medusa turned and inspected every part of her body she could see in her reflection. She even checked her scalp for any signs of scars, bugs or whatever may have intruded. From the exam, she was fit and was very pleased. Her left hand rest on her belly for a moment and she stopped. Although she was committed to Athena, Medusa wondered what her life would be like if she was married, had children and was dedicated to maintaining a household. In her private thoughts, she wanted to know what would relations with another man would be like. She knew that Theron, captain of the temple guards, shared a mutual if forbidden, attraction. Never did she send a signal or suggest she would be open to a relationship. Nor did Theron ever attempt to force Medusa to break her vow or forsake their sworn duty. They shared momentary looks across the temple courtyard, while on patrol around the temple grounds and at dinner with the rest of the temple occupants. She smiled at the fact that later in the day she will see him for training and defense lessons. Their conversations were brief and interesting, if not stimulating. A moment to spend in each other's company was all they could manage without bringing suspicion from the other temple occupants or worse, from the gods themselves.

     She smiled in the mirror. Suddenly, she felt as if she was being watched. So close it felt as if someone was in her room. A gust of wind picked up abruptly and Medusa covered herself up, whirled around and assumed a defensive posture. She strained her senses to detect if anyone was in the room with her. No one! Her heart was racing! Never did Medusa feel this level of anxiety, not since being taken from her home years earlier. All of her senses and intuition told her someone was in the room with her, and not for congenial purposes as an early morning greeting.

     Footsteps outside of her door alerted Medusa of a familiar presence and she immediately slipped back into her nightgown. "Mistress Medusa, are you awake?" a voice whispered from the other side of the door.

     Running her fingers through her hair and adjusting her gown she answered, "Yes Airlea, come in."

     A young girl, no more than sixteen years old, with blue eyes, long flowing red hair and freckles about her nose and cheeks, entered. Her name was Airlea, servant to the High Priestess Medusa. Her service was as attentive as Medusa's service to Athena. In which case, Medusa was happy to conscript her as a personal servant. Airlea was never treated as a slave or human property as other priests and priestesses do their servants. Medusa abhorred slavery and the brutal treatment of servants. On many occasions, the high priestess spoken out against it and cursed those who would not heed her gentle rebukes.

     Airlea, dressed in a gown similar to Medusa's, came into her room, bowed and approached. "Happy birthday my lady," she said with a big smile. "Shall I get your bath ready?"

     "Yes, but my dear, please relax and tend to your other duties by speaking with me first. Today I rest and so shall those who serve me for the honor of Athena."

     "Mistress," she bowed again. "You are my responsibility. I cannot just sit here and neglect you or my duties."

     Medusa frowned at her and then she fell silent. Holding out her hand, she motioned for Airlea to sit on her bed close to her. "Today is the day of my birth and I wish to have a relaxed day. Besides, in speaking with me you are tending to your duties. Still, we need to prepare the temple for morning worship and the evening sacrifice. But the time in between, I want to spend it on the beach, to go swimming and to do more of my combat training with Captain Theron."

     Airlea's face looked puzzled. "Why combat training. You should not have to learn how to swing a sword, we have soldiers for that." Airlea's voice trailed off. "Oh, wait. You want to get closer to Theron, don't you?

     Medusa poked Airlea playfully in her abdomen and they shared a laugh. "He is handsome and I know he would like nothing more to spirit me away to some faraway place and live happily ever after."

     "No, I think that is more of your fantasy. He just wants unlimited pleasure from the most beautiful woman in all of Greece." Airlea laughed as Medusa blushed.

     "Now stop that! Yes, in another time and place maybe. But for now, the High Priestess commands you to prepare my bath. At the seventh hour of the morning, awaken the other priests and matrons so they can prepare the temple worship." She paused as Airlea scribbled Medusa's orders on parchment. They never changed from morning to morning, but as part of her duty she made note of the commands of the high priestess. "Since I will be spending some time for myself, no afternoon prayers or offerings will be permitted. Everyone in the temple will take the afternoon to rest but not to neglect any tasks regarding the safety and security of Athena's temple. However, the evening sacrifices and testimonials will proceed. Have the temple scribe post the orders on the temple columns outside and have him sail them to the nearest port."

     Airlea finished writing and bowed. "Mistress, shall I have the cook prepare something special for your morning meal?"

     Medusa thought a moment. "No, my porridge and melon will suffice. But, if the cook has pomegranate, I would like to have two of them."

     Airlea smiled and left the room. The smile was an indicator that Medusa's young servant had already seen to the availability of the pomegranate in anticipation of her mistress's request. Alone, Medusa went to another chest, larger than the first one, and withdrew various gowns to wear for her ceremonies in the later morning and in the evening. She looked forward to a long day of her normal duties in the morning, swimming and sunbathing in the afternoon, evening temple ceremonies and having a quiet dinner. As she laid out her clothing, she felt another strong breeze whip into her room and then felt an energy bolt shoot past her. In a flash, a woman, with long flowing gold hair, dressed in a white and gold flowing gown and wearing a short sword at her waist was sitting in a cushioned chair opposite her bed. Her skin was flawless as the marble statue of the Goddess of Wisdom in the temple. She was regal in beauty and poise as she looked at Medusa.

     "My Goddess Athena," Medusa said as she dropped to her knees and pressed her face to the floor.

     After a minute or two of the genuflection from Medusa, Athena rose from the chair and stood in front of her looking down. "Rise, my daughter. I have come to wish my most honest and loyal servant a blessed birthday and to impart a gift I have fashioned for you."

     From a pocket in her dress, Athena withdrew a silver pendant that dangled from a small thin linked chain. Circular in the middle and protruding from it were sixteen wavy spikes, resembling snakes, she thought to herself. Medusa looked up at Athena and smiled. "I don't know what to say my goddess. It is beautiful. Thank you."

     Athena grasped Medusa by the shoulders lightly. The high priestess felt a surge of power course through her soul. Being in close proximately to a god was an experience few mortals ever had the opportunity to enjoy. Although she was Athena's servant, Medusa felt confident, admired by the temple worshipers and the people who maintained the grounds. Medusa found herself to be an important guide for self-assurance while in the service for Athena. She looked into the eyes of her goddess and saw a brilliance that resembled the sun. Those eyes could not be lied to and Medusa would never consider telling Athena anything false.

     However, Medusa had her own secrets she kept to herself. For example the strange patterns in the night sky she documented. While she was in her room Medusa could ask Athena about them, but thought better against it. The gods did not favor their human subjects to seek knowledge outside of their influence. Such inquiries and quests were considered blasphemous. The stories of priests and other wayward followers being sent to Hades or sentenced to fight horrible monsters played in her mind. Medusa hoped what she was seeing in the stars were the stellar messages of gods speaking to one another. And yet, she felt something more in them.

     "What is it my child," Athena asked.

     Medusa looked at her with uncertain eyes. "I was wondering if you would not mind if I curtailed some of the worship services today. I will have morning worship and evening sacrifice and atonement services. During the midday I wish to rest, reflect and enjoy what looks to be a gorgeous day," the high priestess asked.

     "I am surprised you did not want to throw yourself a huge gala party for yourself here at the temple," Athena said with a sly smile.

     "This is your temple my goddess. I would not do so without your knowledge. Such a celebration would be blasphemed."

     "Let me worry about what is blasphemous and what is not. Besides, should not my most loyal and devoted servant be allowed some time to celebrate her birth? I know I am happy that the Fates allowed a wonderful person to be in my service." Athena scanned Medusa from head to toe. A predatory thought came to mind but she would entertain that for another time.

     Medusa blushed and lowered her eyes to the floor. Athena placed her hand under Medusa's chin and raised her head to meet her eyes. "If you wish to have a small gathering, I will not be offended. You have turned my temple, here and at the Parthenon, into places of envy from the other gods. No other gods, save for Zeus, has such loyal followers and exquisite temples, both in the structure and the servants. So please, have a joyous day!"

     In a brilliant flash, Athena was gone from Medusa's room. The sun started to slowly rise indicating the day was already beginning. She quickly gathered her gowns, her towels, scrubbing implements and the pendant Athena gave to her. She rushed quickly to the private bath where Airlea was waiting to help Medusa bathe and prepare for a long, exciting day.

* * *

     Airlea made sure Medusa had the best breakfast possible, which consisted of her porridge with honey, pomegranate fruits, cider and sweetened toast. As she ate breakfast in the banquet hall, Medusa's eyes glanced over the other priests, servants and guards, all of whom were enjoying their early morning breakfast. Medusa smiled at them. Day to day, Medusa ate with the other servants of Athena in the banquet hall at meal time. Since all of them lived in the temple, they saw each other every day, worked together, and worshipped the same goddess. To Medusa, this was her new family and she loved each person on the grounds. Normally, the hall was abuzz with conversation, low rumblings of enjoying the meal and music. This particular morning, Medusa noticed the hall was quieter than usual. Her ears kept hearing the murmur of secretive planning in the background of the hall. Everyone seemed to be hushed and guarded, for when Medusa smiled at each person to greet them, they turned away from her warm gaze. Medusa suspected something was amiss, but when she saw Airlea whispering to some of the patrons of the hall, it aroused Medusa's interest. Breakfast just became more interesting.

     The morning services were conducted without incident, as it was the norm for the temple under the watchful eyes of the guards and of Athena. It was never a good idea to bring drunkenness, violence or other forms of disrespectful behavior into the temple. Athena's wrath was nothing to have wished on another soul. The day's services were pleasant, mostly farmers, merchants and fishermen from Kouvari attended the morning worship prayer to beseech Athena for a profitable year. Worshippers brought tributes to the temple to appease the goddess and left them at the numerous mini altars around the temple for her blessing. And as always, Medusa personally greeted each worshipper entering the temple, against the other priest's arguments. Fortunately she was in charge and this authority gave her the final word on how services were to be conducted. She found it disconcerting to those who were called by the gods would carry an air of arrogance in dealing with the worshippers. She hoped to pass on a feeling of gratitude and hospitality to the other priests of Athena for when she travelled to the Parthenon, the grand temple of Athena. In the future Medusa may have to send for new, younger priests and priestesses to take over for the older, unimaginative ones in the service to Athena.

     The last worshipper, an old fisherman, spoke highly of Medusa and hoped to see her again. Medusa smiled and simply said, "We are here in the service to the goddess Athena. I will be here until she dismisses me from the charge of high priestess. Until then, I am honored to serve."

     The old fisherman astounded by the woman, simply turned and walked away, mumbling to himself, "I will be seeing you again, my beautiful Medusa." As Medusa watched after him for a moment he seemed to be standing in the courtyard looking at her. However, when a large cart blocked her view and then moved on, he disappeared. A gust of wind blew past causing Medusa to shield her eyes with hands from the dust it kicked up. It felt like the same wind in her room early in the morning. An eerie feeling crept into Medusa's mind.

     With the temple empty, Medusa returned inside and ordered the servants to prepare the temple for the evening ceremony. She then dashed to her domicile, up the stairs to her room where Airlea was patiently waiting.

     "Are you ready for a day at the beach my friend?" Medusa asked.

     Airlea stopped and looked at Medusa while she undressed. "Friend? I never thought you would consider me as a friend. I am your servant, of course but friend…I never-"

     Medusa took off the adornments and jewelry from temple ceremony and shrugged out her priestess gown. She then slipped in into cream colored short dress and then covered herself with a lightweight white dress. She then beckoned her to sit on the bed and looked into her blushing face. "Airlea, you are my friend and you serve me. There are times I don't command you to do things because you have taken care of me for years. You are like a sister to me, a young sister. You have always looked after me, even when I try to look after to you." Medusa paused to brush several red tresses of hair from her face. "Besides, I do not want to celebrate my birthday alone. So you are going to be my birthday escort for the day and that is that!"

     Medusa kissed Airlea on the forehead. They laughed together as they continued to pack for an afternoon at the beach. Airlea looked out of the window and saw six temple guards making their way to the tower. She turned to Medusa.

     "Our escort has arrived," she announced with a sly smile.

     "With the smile on your face, I imagine Captain Theron is leading our escort?" Medusa asked in a low tone.

     Airlea simply giggled and took up a shoulder bag as she exited Medusa's room. Medusa took a last look around her room and then into the mirror. She went back to in to wear the pendant Athena gave as a birthday present. Placing it around her neck and looking in the mirror, she noticed she was smiling and feeling giddy. She had to change her disposition. After all, she was the high priestess going out on an excursion to rest and reflect with the guards seeing to hers and Airlea's safety. She wanted to feel as if she was a normal girl enjoying the beach. Rather impossible when being followed by six guards and the protection of a goddess. Still, she could not help to smile every time she was in the company of Captain Theron.

     Medusa and Airlea met up with Theron and five other guards at the base of the tower. He and his warriors dressed in light combat tunics, sandals and short swords, a bow with a quiver of arrows. One other guard carried a small tent for the women to shade themselves from the high sun. Even though it was his duty to protect every person in the temple, Theron felt a bit uncomfortable around the high priestess. The captain of the guard shifted his posture as he stood at attention, as did the rest of soldiers in his detail in the presence of the high priestess and her servant.

     "High Priestess, we are here and ready to escort you to the beach," Theron reported. His black hair was already showing signs of being sweaty and hot due to the sun climbing high in the afternoon sky.

     Medusa took a private moment to stare at the tall, dark and handsome man. She was well aware of his attraction to her and vice versa, yet they both knew the vows they had taken would not be easily broken. A smile and glance would have to substitute for a life time of love and passion.

     "Thank you Captain Theron. You and your men have provisions to keep yourself hydrated and fed while we enjoy the beach?" Medusa asked politely.

     Not betraying any emotion Captain Theron replied, "Yes High Priestess, we are ready. How long are you and Airlea planning to stay on the beach?"

     "Long enough to enjoy the sun, sand and the water. But we will depart before the evening prayers."

     "Very well. Shall we go then?" Theron lead the way out of the temple courtyard and out on the side path that led to the beach on the western side of the isle.

     Medusa and Airlea were in the middle of the five remaining guards and all of them held a dignified composure until they were on the path. The two women laughed together as they told each stories and anecdotes. Some of the guards could not help but to laugh and comment on some of the stories Airlea told. Fortunately, Theron was far enough ahead and didn't hear the laughter. He was always serious about the duty in which he was entrusted. In Medusa's opinion, she could never find a more loyal, dedicated soldier in all of Greece.

     The party came to the beach area and set up a tent to protect themselves from the bright sunlight. Once the tent was set up, Medusa ran out to the clear blue water. It was cool to the touch but she refused to let the chill of the water stop her. She pulled off her dress and dove naked into the water and began to swim. Airlea ran to the water to retrieve her dress. Her eyes widened as she spotted blood stains on bottom part of her dress. Theron came to the edge of the water once he noticed Airlea's expression.

     "What is it Airlea? What is wrong?"

     Airlea looked at Theron with concern and then whispered to him. "Medusa must have pricked herself on a branch or rock. She is bleeding. I fear she might attract some sort of sea predator." Airlea would not tell Theron the real reason for the blood on her dress, which had to remain private.

     Theron thought for a moment and then said, "I don't think we will have to worry about Medusa. Athena looks over her. Besides, I know Medusa to be a good swimmer. She will be fine."

     Airlea looked at Theron with a puzzled expression. How would he know Medusa's swimming capability? Could it be this was not the first time the two slipped out of the temple to this beach area? Or did Medusa sneak out at night only for Theron to follow and watch her. Theron met her gaze with slight smile and then the grim, serious look returned immediately. Airlea made it a point to talk to Medusa about her and Theron. They walked back on the beach to the tent set for the women and for guards, keeping a watchful eye on the seas for Medusa to return.

* * *

     She absolutely loved the water! The alternating temperatures of warmth and coldness caressed her naked body. Feeling the waves and currents push and pull at her as she swam was very therapeutic. Any and all stress she was feeling melted away. If she was not careful, Poseidon himself might become aware of her and attempt to steal her away from Athena. Highly doubtful since Athena kept her servants close to herself. Poseidon would probably have to give up half of his watery domain just to have Medusa. Such a trade would be fascinating, but Medusa thought it best not to tempt fate in such a way. All she could do was appreciate the waters of Poseidon's domain from a discreet distance, from behind Athena's temple doors!

     Medusa executed dozens of different swimming styles while in the water and enjoyed the experience. First she swam on the surface, at times waving to Airlea on the beach. Other times she would swim deep and make her way to the bottom of the beach floor. When she touched the bottom, she would stop a moment and look at the fish and other sea life float past her in the water. Then with her lungs begging for air, Medusa would slowly swim back up to the surface gasping for air. She swore Airlea was telling her something but she could not hear with the waves crashing about and the water in her ears. Most likely it was something to the fact Medusa should come out of the water to rest on the sand. In time she will return but not at the moment.

     Medusa took another deep breath and dived back to the bottom of the beach floor. Again she observed the sea life focused on a multi-colored coral reef. The reef abounded with fish and other creatures the likes which Medusa had never seen before on her other dives. Long tube fish, multi-colored crustaceans, seahorses, sandfish, so many different sea forms seem to go about their business almost oblivious to the presence of the human female that observed them.

     The pounding of her chest was her heart alerting the need for fresh air. She started to ascend when a glimmer of light attracted her eye. Diving back down and around the reef, she found a conch shell twice the size of her hand. It sparkled like starlight as the sunrays reflected of its silver and white surface. She managed to the reach it, pulled it loose from the sand and made her way to the surface. Breaking through the surface she gasped for air. After settling herself, she looked around and noticed she was quite a distance from the beach. She knew she was in danger in being swept out further to into sea. Airlea and Threon spotted her and were waving at her anxiously.

     Medusa with her free hand waved back and began to swim for the beach shore. Whether it was instinct or an outside force, Medusa had a feeling she was in danger. She stopped and treaded water to look around. The high priestess spotted the focus of the danger she sensed. A shark, twenty feet from nose to tail, swam toward Medusa. It moved slowly at first and then picked up speed as it closed in on its target. Immediately she swam as fast as she could. Her mind told her to let go of the conk shell but avarice caused her to clutch it tighter and she applied as much speed and strength her body could muster.

     On the beach, Theron spotted Medusa and then the shark pursuing her. "Airlea, get back onto the beach quickly!" He grabbed Airlea and escorted her back to the tent. He motioned for one of his guards to hand him the short bow and a quiver of arrows.

     "Be careful not to hit Medusa, please!" Airlea shouted with concern as Theron charged into the water.

     Theron held up a reassuring hand. "I will do my best. May the gods guide my hand!" He darted out a bit and then up water line and took up a position. He quickly cursed as he realized he did not have a clear shot at the shark. If he fired his arrow, it would likely hit Medusa. He would have to wait until the critical moment when the shark will lunge forward and strike, sending the arrow down the beast's throat.

     Medusa swam as fast as she could. Replaying the dive back in her mind, the currents that pushed against her body, unwittingly pushed her further away from the beach. Regretting her decision to continue swimming and diving was a luxury she could not afford. She was in danger and she did all she could to not look back at the beast approaching. Medusa saw Theron in the water ready to strike with arrows and wanted him to shoot. It then occurred to her that she was in his line of fire. Diving or taking other evasive maneuvers would give the attacking shark more of an advantage. Both her arms and legs were tired from constant swimming. She wanted to rest but that was out of the question. The high priestess hoped and prayed for some sort of divine intervention when it happened as quickly as she thought it.

     A group of porpoises swam past her in the shallow water and sped at the shark. Acting as one, the group of seven porpoises slammed into the shark with such force the shark was blasted out of the water. The sea predator crashed with such force, it sent small waves in the immediate area and disoriented Medusa for a brief moment. The porpoises continued to ram and thwart the shark's effort to make a meal out of the high priestess. After receiving numerous blows and realized its initial prey had retreated into the shallow waters of the beach, the shark dove into the darker depths of the sea and disappeared. As for the porpoises, they looked back at Medusa, flapped their flippers and then swam off into the seas, possibly to pursue the shark or to continue their feeding elsewhere.

     Theron sighed in relief and thanked Athena for Medusa's safe return. He took the arrow off of the bow string and waved for Airlea to come and tend to Medusa. She ran quickly into the water and covered Medusa with a thick white robe. Once it was tied at the waist, Medusa leaned on Airlea for support. Her legs were tired from the intense swimming from the shark. Airlea made notice of the shell clutched tightly in her left hand.

     "Don't tell me the shark wanted its deep sea treasure back that you stole." Airlea sarcastically commented.

     "I thought about dropping it, but I have never seen a shell like this before. I consider it a birthday present for myself." Medusa grinned at Airlea who was angry with her mistress.

     "Well, I wish you had not gone into the water," Airlea whispered as Theron approached to help the women out of the water and back to the tent on the beach. "Your cycle has begun. I think the smell of blood attracted the beast."

     Medusa's eye widened as she now felt a warm trickle between her legs. If that was true, her blood must have attracted the shark from the deep depths of the sea. Or it could have been something else. Something more direct and sinister, she felt. "Maybe it was Poseidon coming to take me away to his underwater castle forever!"

     Both women giggled as Theron rushed over and put an arm around Medusa's waist. For a moment, Medusa settled into his embrace and deeply wished she and Theron had met in another time and place. If Medusa only knew Theron was thinking the same exact thing at the same exact moment.

     "So, high priestess," Theron said sounding calm and official. "I take it your day at the beach is over, unless you feel you want to swim out further and see what other creatures can pursue you."

     Wiping water from her soaked hair and sitting down on the sand, she looked up at him. "I don't know captain. If you and your men would like to use me as bait so you can stuff and mount a guppy on the wall of your barracks, give me a few minutes rest and I will go back out."

     Airlea threw her a look of shock and anger as Theron and his guards laughed aloud. For a few minutes, Medusa beckoned Theron and his guards to sit on the sand with her and Airlea and share the warm beach day with her. After an adventure in the water, Medusa would not be swimming in the sea for a short while. As the sun began to cross the sky to evening, the beach party packed their belongings and returned to the temple to prepare for the evening worship services.

     Medusa was happy to have several hours to herself and share it with those whom she considered to be friends. For the afternoon, she felt like a normal woman. All that remained was to marry Theron, birth many healthy sons and daughters and live a long happy life with a man she secretly loved. But all of this was a fantasy she will have to keep to herself. Her life and service belonged to Athena.

* * *

     The evening worship and sacrifice services commenced on time with Medusa leading the services of the patrons who traveled from the deeper part of countryside to worship in Athena's premiere temple. With the afternoon beach adventure still on her mind, she thanked Athena for the safety of her most loyal servant and pledged her undying loyalty and service to her. Even though, she had the rest of the evening off after the services, Medusa felt it would be good to return to her room and rest in her bed, write about the day and to ponder the events that have left her with curious notions. She wondered what new star patterns would take shape in the evening sky. That alone prompted her to finish the ceremonies as dash back to her domicile without dinner.

     The service and prayers lasted three hours with the worshippers bringing food, expensive animal hides, and jewels for Athena's favor. Medusa instructed the other priests to take claim of items and to write the names of each sacrifice and tribute to Athena. In hindsight it did not matter for Athena, who would already know who offered what items. But it gave some solace to the worshippers and patrons that they mattered to the Goddess of Wisdom. After the last worshipper left the temple and the last of the cleanup duties were complete, Medusa led the priests in the nightly prayer to Athena. When it was completed Medusa faced everyone. "Thank you everyone for allowing me to enjoy my birthday while you looked after the temple. Tomorrow we will return to our normal habitual practices."

     The thirteen priests looked to each other and then the second lead priest, a man named Heroc stepped forward to address Medusa. "High priestess, you are favored by Athena and the gods. We will always be here to maintain the temple as the example you have led us to follow." All of the other priests smiled and bowed in acknowledgement of his words. Medusa bowed in mutual respect.

     "Thank you my priestly brothers. May Athena continue to guide your steps." Medusa left the temple through the front doors. She looked into the night sky and then removed her head piece. She thought to take a long bath, study the sky for a few hours, eat dinner in her room and then go bed when she saw Airlea dressed as if she were to attend a formal affair.

     "High Priestess Medusa, we await you in the banquet hall," she announced in a formal manner.

     "Why Airlea?" Medusa inquired with a raised eyebrow. "Is there a problem?"

     "Yes, the guest of honor is not in attendance," Airlea smiled. "We, that is all who live here on the temple grounds, are waiting for you to join us for your birthday dinner."

     Medusa blushed for a minute and then looked sternly at Airlea. "Who arranged such a thing? I did not order any banquet in my honor. Besides, I think it would be sacrilege to hold such an event, and not honor Athena always."

     Airlea met her stern look with one of her own. "See here Medusa. We all serve Athena faithfully! If she granted you time for you to enjoy your birthday, then she will allow us to hold a meal in your honor. We are honoring the woman, not proclaiming you a goddess."

     Medusa understood why she chose Airlea as her personal servant. Without another word, Airlea led Medusa into the banquet hall. Approaching, Medusa noticed the temple and the surrounding grounds were strangely quiet. Everyone must be inside, she believed. Her instincts were right. Airlea pushed open the doors and the hall was filled with servants, the priests, some of the guards including Captain Theron, were present, seated at long tables lining the banquet hall. Everyone stood up and clapped in unison as Medusa walked down a path between the tables, nodding, bowing and embracing her fellow temple mates as she was seated at a long table with a throne-like chair meant for her. Airlea moved to her place at Medusa's left as Heroc took a goblet of juice and proposed a toast to Medusa.

     "We thank Athena for giving us a beautiful, faithful servant to serve as our high priestess. Medusa has labored tirelessly to make this temple the pinnacle of all other temples in Greece. Tonight, we celebrate the birthday of Medusa and give thanks for all she has done, and for the work that is yet to come." Heroc took a sip from his goblet as did everyone else.

     Medusa looked into the goblet and then to Airlea. "There is no wine served here tonight. It is all pure fruit extract. I fought with the chefs all afternoon after we got back from the beach. Finally they relented."

     The high priestess raised her goblet, saluted everyone and drank. Her drink was a subtle blend of pomegranate and citrus fruits which tasted wonderful. She looked to Heroc who still had more to say.

     "High Priestess Medusa. I know you will not take gifts from us but we have composed music and prepared a good meal in your honor. Many fruits, salads, meats and desserts have been gathered from around Greece for your special day. I hope you enjoy them." Heroc motioned with his hand. "Let the music and meal commence."

     Everyone in the hall cheered as musicians began to play the flute, harp and drum to especially composed music for Medusa's birthday. It had no title but it was a piece Medusa enjoyed as she sat back and listened. As the medley progressed, Medusa closed her eyes and imagined the song was more a lullaby one would play for a child. The tune struck a curious chord with the high priestess as she smiled and enjoyed the music.

     Other servants began to serve the fruit and salad course and everyone took as plenty as they could manage. Airlea made Medusa's plate and gave her a look that meant she was not to lift a finger tonight. Medusa relented and enjoyed the fresh food and drink. Over the rim of her goblet she saw Theron eating some of the food and spotted her. He smiled and went back to eating his fruit.

     "Will the people serving the food eat as well as the other guards?" Medusa asked Airlea.

     "Yes, the eating schedule has been arranged for everyone to enjoy tonight's gala." Airlea smiled and bit into a plum.

     All around the hall, everyone was enjoying him or herself. It was good to take time off to fellowship with those men and women dedicated to the temple of Athena. Not to abandon the practice of praising the gods, but to appreciate all they have given to humanity, Medusa thought. She saw on her plate fresh pomegranates Airlea put in front of her and Medusa immediately started eating. If there was one thing she loved and could never get enough of, it was pomegranates.

     She called Heroc and Airlea closer together to speak privately to them. "I appreciate all that you have done for me tonight. I can't ask for anything more except one thing."

     "Whatever you wish Medusa it will be granted," Heroc said in a hurry.

     Medusa smiled. "Good, then when festivities are over, I will clean the hall by myself."

     Airlea's and Heroc's eyes bulged at Medusa's request. Just as they were about to protest, servants brought plates of sizzling, cooked meats on wooden skewers and placed them on the table in front of them. The steam from the food filled the air between them as Medusa picked up one and bit into a juicy piece of lamb.

     "As you wish high priestess," Heroc relented as he sat on his stool next to the captain and enjoyed his food.

     "I can't believe you are going to be stubborn about this. I mean, cleaning up after a party we throw for you. You should just eat until you are full and then go to bed." Airlea whispered to Medusa.

     Taking another bite, Medusa said, "When it is your birthday, you can be as stubborn as I am."

     "I will remember that for sure!" Airlea sat on her seat and partook of the meal she was served. The cooks have done well with tonight's meal she thought to herself.

     Medusa smiled at everything and felt truly blessed. The music was particularly stimulating. She may ask them to compose some music for Athena for the next temple ceremony at the Parthenon. Her eyes then focused in the corner, near the front doors. She thought she saw two human shaped shadows in corner. The day had been full of strange occurrences, one right after the other and Medusa began to wonder if she was being tested. The strange feelings and sights were something she would have to address Athena directly, but after the party.

     The main course was served and it seemed that everyone in the temple was seated in the hall and began feasting. Seafood, oxen, lamb and boar were among the main meats prepared and served. Although Medusa enjoyed seafood, she politely passed on it, due to the fact she was almost a shark's meal. It made her apprehensive to eat it just for her birthday.

     The shadows disappeared or simply faded when the cooks lit additional torches in the hall. Tonight was a good night for the gathering. Nothing could go wrong; the end to a perfect day!

End of Chapter 5


Herstory, Part Two - Birthday

     After telling the story of her decapitation and subsequent execution, Medusa noticed she was rubbing the part of her neck where the vorpal sword viciously tore through. She felt the blade severe blood vessels, bone, spinal cord and muscle. A faint scar would indicate the jagged mark where the sword passed through her neck in two places, but supernatural healing made any such mark leave no trace. Demon physiology and angelic intervention, she thought. She noticed her eyes welling up with tears. Medusa swiveled to the side in her chair, away from the Jerimiah, and removed her glasses. She didn't cry out as it was obvious from her reaction this event was still a traumatic issue.

     Jerimiah sat back in his chair typing a few things on this tablet giving her a moment to compose herself. He quickly busied himself in saving all of the data he acquired this evening thus far and saving the testament of the Gorgon Medusa. After what seemed to be several minutes she just sat there and quietly wept to herself. Jerimiah reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a white handkerchief with blue trim which had the initials JC and SR (the initials of Jerimiah Clarke and Samantha Reid). He reached across the desk and politely tapped Medusa on the shoulder. "Here, you can borrow my handkerchief if you wish."

     Careful not to turn and look his direction, Medusa simply held out her hand and Jerimiah placed it gentle in hers, noting the long bronze nails. Her hands didn't seem as demonic as when he first saw them, more fragile and gentle. No matter what this being was, she was a woman with feelings. She wiped her eyes with the handkerchief. Curiosity and keen eyesight allowed Jerimiah to see one serpent poking out from the hood. The snakes were reacting to the emotional state of Medusa. He could only imagine what they would do if she was angry. Recounting the horrible, violent tale of her death, the serpents hissed and squirmed slowly. He only hoped she didn't just lose it, fly into a grief stricken rage and as a result, turn Jerimiah into stone right in office and then placed on display in the museum. His instincts told him to run for the door, but he decided against it. This was an opportunity of a lifetime, a discovery of the ages! Leaving now would be a big mistake, not to mention insulting to the Gorgon host.

     Reaching for the dark shades, Medusa replaced them over eyes, adjusted her hood and turned slowly back to Jerimiah. "I'm sorry," she said in low voice. "Just remembering that…circumstance is still something very hard for me to deal with."

     "I don't imagine anyone, who suffered as much as you have, would easily forget the pain." Jerimiah surmised.

     A look of relief appeared to settle on the Gorgon's face. In her long life, she had only told a few people of the specific events of her death. Very few she trusted and felt comfortable with, allowing her defenses to be lowered and feelings to surface. It was dangerous to do so because of some the regret for lives she had taken sometimes haunted her.

     Jerimiah looked at her quizzically. "I take it you haven't attempted to seek therapy for your…tragedy?"

     "I wish there was a qualified therapist who would have the courage to sit down in a room and psycho-analyze me. It would appear you will have to do for now Mr. Clarke."

     "I don't know about that. I have a friend who lives on Long Island and she does some great therapy sessions, maybe you could-" Stopping in midsentence he noticed Medusa looking directly at him, lips a thin line. "Yeah, you are right, not a good idea."

     "As I said before," Medusa continued. "Very few know my story. I have seen the stories of the Gorgons and I shake my head as to how wrong it all is. But I dare not reveal my real story to just anyone. Could you imagine how the world would react if elements of what we call mythology, supernatural and the occult exist in this age? It would start a panic the world has not seen since the flood. So I ask you again, all that you hear from Medusa, keep to yourself. But of Cynthia Petrakis, she will become a more visible figure as she emerges from a slumber. Hence the whole purpose of this evening's Gala, the Foundation and the acquisition of this museum and other exploits," she gestured with her hand.

     "Wait a minute. You are relocating to the states. Are you leaving Greece because of the economic strife there?"

     "Yes. If and when the country falls into chaos, how long will it be before my mansion, warehouses and other properties will be ransacked?"

     Jerimiah sat forward in his chair. "But with your vast wealth, knowledge and influence, you could be a force of good and establish a new path for the nation of Greece."

     She sighed and then said, "For a few years, I have considered planning a course of action that will enable Greece to save herself. However, corruption is a plague that has gripped the planet and will not release it without out a fight. It would take all of Cynthia Petrakis' influence, time and money to make one person see the light. Yet, a glance from Medusa would shake an entire continent."

     The words penetrated deeply into Jerimiah's soul. A supernatural being in control of the destiny of the world? It would have benefits and pitfalls. Democracy will die if Medusa exercised her influence on a nation slowly dying from corruption and in denial of such a circumstance. A long moment of silence passed between them.

     "You my friend," Medusa started. "May be the fifth and or sixth person in a 3,000 year lifetime I will tell my story to. I charge you to be the keeper of my secret in order to protect Cynthia Petrakis and all she has accomplished. It is a considerable task, I know, but the reason I have chosen you is because of your attachment to the chronicle amulet you touched in my coffer. Tell me, what did you see?"

     Jerimiah felt the roles reverse. It was now Medusa who asked in such interest as she leaned forward with her hands folded on the desk.

     "I saw an island, then people of different cultures living on that island. There was a mountain and a cave with an opened door, however I could not see who or what resided inside." He paused for a moment to recall the psychic rush he experienced in the exhibit hall. Mentally, he slowed down the images that blurred passed him. "I also saw members of my family through the years. They all kept track of our family history in some manner. There are gaps in our family line and some members of my family sought to trace our roots beyond five hundred years. I guess explains why I took up history and archaeology. But I have yet to do any research into my own life. I was adopted and raised by another family named Clarke. I always knew they were not my family and decided not to go looking for my real family. I huess discovering that amulet and meeting you has changed all of that."

     Medusa smiled a genuine, beautiful and heartfelt smile. "The people you saw on that island were enslaved peoples fleeing from the Roman Empire. They, among others, were to be transported to Rome to be sold. The people came from different regions around the Mediterranean. You came from the Eastern African tribes, the Maasai, and your ancestors fought off the invaders until they were defeated and shackled. But fate intervened due to a Greek trader doing business in the region saw the slave ships in port. They managed to help the enslaved take over their ships and sail for freedom. In a power storm at sea, they found sanctuary on the island I inhabited when I was resurrected. I have befriended them and since the time of destruction of the island, I have been searching for the descendants from the island. Many left to search for new homes around the world. I am glad to know some of the descendants survived through the ages," she gestured to Jerimiah.

     "And you know all of this from me touching this amulet?"

     "Yes. The amulets were crafted by your ancestor Ajani. He and I created these mystical archives to preserve the knowledge of a family line. They can only be accessed by the bloodline of the one who has taken possession of it. The possessor can access the memories stored within the amulet and you can add to it as well. These amulets have been passed down from generation to generation."

     Jerimiah leaned forward toward the Gorgon, a move most people would not dare to commit. "So, are you saying that I am the rightful heir to…Ajani's amulet? Can I have it?"

     A daring chess move she thought to herself. "In due time. Though you are heir to the amulet, I must know you will be able to keep it safe and one day pass it down to your children. For now, let me keep it in my possession until I am comfortable it will not be damaged or lost. Deal?"

     "Deal." Jerimiah answered as he extended his hand across the desk to meet Medusa's. Deep down he wished he could just take it and learn more of its secrets. Considering the fact Jerimiah was trespassing and slowly would have to gain Medusa's trust, her decision made sense.

     "Let's drink to that. What is your poison?"

     "Rum and Coke if you got it."

     Medusa gracefully moved about and took up the coffee cups on the desk and cleaned the coffee pot. She then came back to her desk and produced two glasses, a bottle of Spiced Rum and two cans of Coca-Cola from a lower drawer. Behind and off to the right of her desk was a small refrigerator where she retrieved an ice tray. With the skill of a bartender, two rum and cokes were mixed to perfection.

     "To new partnerships," she said holding up her glass. Jerimiah grasped his and tapped her glass in a toasting gesture and drank.

     "This is really good. I think you missed your calling," he said in admiration sipping his drink.

     Medusa chuckled a bit. "Well being a high priestess, you were privy to mixing potions for various needs and wants. The mixtures were for medicinal use, for me and those who maintained the temple."

     Jerimiah finished his glass of rum and Coke and then picked up his tablet again. "I noticed that you do not speak about Athena or the other Greek gods. You hold resentment against them?"

     The edge of her pointed finger circled the rim of the glass, creating the resonating sound accustomed to crystal wine glass music. Jerimiah raised both eyebrows and wondered how she was doing that. But then it occurred to him that a Gorgon was sitting across from him was the current normal.

     "You have heard the expression, 'With great power comes with great responsibility?' It is a statement that has no meaning unless you understand that your power can be used for a purpose. Whether it is to help or harm, a decision must be made. You cannot simply sit idly by and do nothing." She poured another glass of rum, straight and downed it quickly. "These gods, as so many calls them, have wasted their powers, exploiting weaker beings and even stealing from other dimensions to save what they have plundered. When you read mythology, does it not occur to you that the gods could have simply resolved many issues instead of causing them? Take me for example. Why do you think I was cursed, banished and beheaded?"

     "According to mythology, you had sex in the temple of Athena, breaking your vow of chastity. But further study indicated you were raped by Poseidon because you dared to captivate a god; Athena was just jealous of your beauty." Jerimiah said with unerring clarity.

     "You are absolutely right, according to mythology. But it is absolutely wrong. History is so often distorted it should be-"

     "Told by women instead of men?" Jerimiah interjected.

     "He is sharp this one," voiced the demon inside Medusa's mind. "Very sharp. We will have to keep the proverbial eye on this one."

     "Agreed," she said to the demon.

     "You are quite right," speaking to Jerimiah. "But it is a human failing to distort life as it was perceived to suit their nature. I look at life objectively and made sure any who would follow will be able to learn from what was and not to embellish any of the facts. Hence, part of the reason why my story is so clouded and vague."

     "I have to ask, since coming back to life and traveling the world incognito, did you erase any leads about your existence and that of your Gorgon sisters?"

     Medusa leaned back a moment. "I have spent many years destroying, or rather, collecting what evidence of my existence and that of the Gorgons and other creatures' existence. For a time, I was a demon hunter, or more correctly, a monster hunter. When Olympus fell, many monsters that were created by them and their acolytes were set lose across the face of the planet. In fact, your ancestors helped me hunt down monsters for nearly a century until we lost touch. Facts and historical accounts have also been lost. I have spent many years locating such items and storing them away."

     She paused for a moment and looked at Jerimiah intently. "I will tell you something that I have not told to anyone, except those in my inner circle as far as Cynthia Petrakis is concerned. As we discussed, Greece is going through radical changes and is struggling against itself. I have come here to relocate my interests to America for the time being. Many of my storehouses, artifacts, research facilities and wealth will be here in New York City as well as other states and Canada. When my homeland is safe to return I will re-establish my status there. For now, I would like for you to assist me with the relocation, cataloging and research. I will pay you well for your services and your silence of my secrets. What say you to that?"

     Every second Jerimiah spent with this Gorgon woman, it seemed that all of his interests and dreams of a great archeological/historical find were being met in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Madame Medusa," he bowed his head in respect. "I accept your gracious offer. I will not let you down."

     The two of them shared another drink of rum and sat in silence for a few minutes. Medusa looked at Jerimiah and noted that his vital signs were returning to a calm, normal level. In some sense, the polite conversation, the offering of opportunity and even the rum, has made her guest relaxed. It was important if he was to be working closely with her; he had to learn to be used to a being, a cursed demon woman, living in the modern world. Curiosity and the thirst for knowledge of his family line and of Medusa kept him grounded, or rather seated in the chair across her.

     "What else do you wish to know? I cannot tell you of my entire life in one night. It would be impossible. If it has taken 3000 years to live it, it will take that long to tell it. I've killed thousands of people from the time that I was cursed to the time I was beheaded. In the years after my death, hundreds, possibly thousands more fell to the sight of these Gorgon eyes. Who knows how many beings Athena used my head to destroy before Olympus fell. I'm pretty sure there are entire cities in Greece filled with stone statue graveyards simply because individuals dared to defy her. I would not put it past her if she used my head to dispense with some of the other Greek Olympians and their demigod children. My conscious mind doesn't have recollection of all of the faces I stared into. However, with my natural mental abilities and my other powers, I could take a good hard look into the subconscious. Either I or the demon inside of me remembers all of the faces. I tend not to ask it about those faces that I've gazed upon without my knowledge. Sometimes I see faces in my nightmares."

     She cleared her throat and began again. "Also, the hour grows late. I need to rest. So if I can answer one more question, I will. I see you are very intrigued with me."

     Jerimiah understood Medusa. Besides, he needed to go to Samantha's place soon after this midnight meeting. "Just tell me, how you became the Gorgon that is sitting across from me."

     The demon spoke, "Does he mean for when you and I were joined or when I came into existence. That is a great story to tell."

     "I think he means when you and I first met," she replied with a smile internally. "Besides, if we are to tell him about us, we must do it slowly."

     "Ah, that is a tale worth telling to end this night." Medusa leaned back in her chair and Jerimiah readied his tablet but frowned that he had only forty percent battery power remaining.

     "This particular story began on my twenty-first birthday. That was the day I became a Gorgon…"

Sanctuary of Athena, several miles from the fishing village of Kavoúri, Greek Islands, Aegean Sea, 1695 BC

     The sound of waves crashing on the nearby beach and a warm wind blowing through her room was a pleasant way for the High Priestess Medusa to wake up from a restful night's sleep. Her room, located in a tower facing the east, was not as lavish as other High Priests and Priestesses in Greece. She didn't need such luxuries and frowned upon others who used the people they were serving, in honor of the gods of Olympus, as a means of a fine living. Many of the worshipers were poor and Medusa made sure their praise of Athena was always rewarded for their faith. She performed many tasks for the people ranging from healer, counselor, and mediator when necessary. Inside of the temple, she saw to the day to day activities: prayer services, sacrifices and educational orations of the goddess Athena.

     Medusa performed her numerous duties with the grace and skill of any other priest twice her age. And now, she turned twenty-one. She was happy to not only be in the service of Athena, but to successfully keep her vow of chastity and virginity for so long. She heard the stories of priests and priestesses forsaking their vows and the gods took furious vengeance upon them as well as the other servants. Very rarely, in their anger, would the gods limit the punishment to just the one transgressor. She always prayed for the strength and courage to continue on the path Athena laid out for her. In all of her days, she has been successful and thankful.

     But today, on her twenty-first birthday, Medusa was eager and excited. She took one day out of the year to spend entirely on herself. Not to say she would neglect her duties, but to focus on the exploits she enjoyed without interruption. Wearing a white woven gown, she sat up on her soft bed and looked out the window of her towered domicile.

     The sun slowly rose and the light illuminated the beach several yards away. Waves crashed on white sandy beaches and she could swear the sea was calling to her. Her list of things to do entailed: sun bathing, swimming, collecting shells. Additionally she could continue her studies of nature and document her thoughts in her journal. She had kept hundreds of pages of since her father taught her how to write at the age of five.

     Medusa stopped to think about her family for a moment. It had been years since she seen them, since being summoned by Athena's acolytes at the age of nine. Her parents were elated and saddened when their daughter was taken away, but she was favored by Goddess Athena. Many blessing was heaped on that household for providing such a beautiful servant who would later become a priestess to Athena. Medusa looked forward to the day when she will be able to see her family. Athena forbade contact with her former life but still, deep down, Medusa wished Athena could grant her just one day of spending time with them. Perhaps the high priestess could make some sort of a gesture to her goddess, a sacrifice pleasing to Athena that she may just decide to allow Medusa to go home to her family on the farm. She deeply hoped for that day.

     Still going through her pages, some of them began to fade, tear or disintegrate. She frowned as she handled them gently. At some point she will have to transfer the damaged pages to new sheets and sealed them in her coffer. She could spend some time in the early morning hours transcribing the older notes onto new parchment, but it would not leave time to transcribe new thoughts. Another alternative was to have one of her trusted aides to do the task of transcription, but her thoughts and other information were for Medusa's eyes only, those and maybe her mistress, Athena. Not only were these her thoughts, these pages contained spells, incantations, observations and other information were written upon the delicate parchment.

     "There has to be a better way of keeping thoughts and ideas preserved for a long time…for all time," she said out loud. This would be another project of hers. Then she wondered if she was venturing into a realm reserved for the gods? It was the task of gods to keep things forever or to let time cause them to fade away. Regardless, she will find a better way to preserve the thoughts and ideas of mankind.

     She walked across her small room and opened a chest. Inside she withdrew several rolls of new parchment and roll of goat skin. On a small table, she spread out the goat skin and then placed the worn pages written side down and folded the skin on top of them. After several minutes, she carefully folded twelve pages in the goat skin in an attempt to preserve them before they deteriorate any further.

     Satisfied, she placed the folded skin back into the trunk and then sat on her bed with a writing charcoal and a blank scroll. She gazed out her window looking at the fading stars as the sun slowly rose. It was the middle of summer and the sun will be high in the sky and very warm. Perfect for sunbathing when it reached the midday hour, Medusa would have to make sure all of her morning temple duties were complete so she could enjoy the light. The sensation of the sun on her skin was an activity she enjoyed, although it drew questionable looks from the other females at the temple but no one dared to approach Medusa about her activity. Even her servant girl, Airlea, resigned and then relished the idea of spending a few minutes in the sun with her mistress.

     Aside from documenting the position of the sun and noting the seasons, Medusa was aware of the stars were forming curious patterns in the sky since becoming high priestess five years prior. Symbols of a language she surmised, somehow communicating with her, or to anyone capable of finding their meaning. Could it be a message from the gods? Athena would occasionally visit Medusa in a physical form or through signs in her dreams. Communicating through the stars was not uncommon for those who understood the meanings. Yet the patterns were a mystery, one she enjoyed to chart and eventually solve its enigmatic message.

     When she was done writing, Medusa bounded off her bed, replaced her scrolls and walked over to a full length mirror. Slipping out of her woven nightgown, Medusa stood naked and began inspecting her body. She was not admiring it or allowing vanity to dominate her reasons of self-examination; she was checking for blemishes, bruises or, as most women would do, signs of age. The gods blessed her with a beautiful body and she has done all she could to take care of it. Her diet was more important than keeping in shape, which was a regular activity, but it consisted more of fruits and vegetables, grains and other produce from the earth. Occasionally, she will dine on heavy meats such as sheep, goat or cattle, but it was a rarity. The nearby fishing village of Kavoúri brought fresh fish for the temple every day. Fish, she decided, would be a fine dinner for her birthday.

     Medusa turned and inspected every part of her body she could see in her reflection. She even checked her scalp for any signs of scars, bugs or whatever may have intruded. From the exam, she was fit and was very pleased. Her left hand rest on her belly for a moment and she stopped. Although she was committed to Athena, Medusa wondered what her life would be like if she was married, had children and was dedicated to maintaining a household. In her private thoughts, she wanted to know what would relations with another man would be like. She knew that Theron, captain of the temple guards, shared a mutual if forbidden, attraction. Never did she send a signal or suggest she would be open to a relationship. Nor did Theron ever attempt to force Medusa to break her vow or forsake their sworn duty. They shared momentary looks across the temple courtyard, while on patrol around the temple grounds and at dinner with the rest of the temple occupants. She smiled at the fact that later in the day she will see him for training and defense lessons. Their conversations were brief and interesting, if not stimulating. A moment to spend in each other's company was all they could manage without bringing suspicion from the other temple occupants or worse, from the gods themselves.

     She smiled in the mirror. Suddenly, she felt as if she was being watched. So close it felt as if someone was in her room. A gust of wind picked up abruptly and Medusa covered herself up, whirled around and assumed a defensive posture. She strained her senses to detect if anyone was in the room with her. No one! Her heart was racing! Never did Medusa feel this level of anxiety, not since being taken from her home years earlier. All of her senses and intuition told her someone was in the room with her, and not for congenial purposes as an early morning greeting.

     Footsteps outside of her door alerted Medusa of a familiar presence and she immediately slipped back into her nightgown. "Mistress Medusa, are you awake?" a voice whispered from the other side of the door.

     Running her fingers through her hair and adjusting her gown she answered, "Yes Airlea, come in."

     A young girl, no more than sixteen years old, with blue eyes, long flowing red hair and freckles about her nose and cheeks, entered. Her name was Airlea, servant to the High Priestess Medusa. Her service was as attentive as Medusa's service to Athena. In which case, Medusa was happy to conscript her as a personal servant. Airlea was never treated as a slave or human property as other priests and priestesses do their servants. Medusa abhorred slavery and the brutal treatment of servants. On many occasions, the high priestess spoken out against it and cursed those who would not heed her gentle rebukes.

     Airlea, dressed in a gown similar to Medusa's, came into her room, bowed and approached. "Happy birthday my lady," she said with a big smile. "Shall I get your bath ready?"

     "Yes, but my dear, please relax and tend to your other duties by speaking with me first. Today I rest and so shall those who serve me for the honor of Athena."

     "Mistress," she bowed again. "You are my responsibility. I cannot just sit here and neglect you or my duties."

     Medusa frowned at her and then she fell silent. Holding out her hand, she motioned for Airlea to sit on her bed close to her. "Today is the day of my birth and I wish to have a relaxed day. Besides, in speaking with me you are tending to your duties. Still, we need to prepare the temple for morning worship and the evening sacrifice. But the time in between, I want to spend it on the beach, to go swimming and to do more of my combat training with Captain Theron."

     Airlea's face looked puzzled. "Why combat training. You should not have to learn how to swing a sword, we have soldiers for that." Airlea's voice trailed off. "Oh, wait. You want to get closer to Theron, don't you?

     Medusa poked Airlea playfully in her abdomen and they shared a laugh. "He is handsome and I know he would like nothing more to spirit me away to some faraway place and live happily ever after."

     "No, I think that is more of your fantasy. He just wants unlimited pleasure from the most beautiful woman in all of Greece." Airlea laughed as Medusa blushed.

     "Now stop that! Yes, in another time and place maybe. But for now, the High Priestess commands you to prepare my bath. At the seventh hour of the morning, awaken the other priests and matrons so they can prepare the temple worship." She paused as Airlea scribbled Medusa's orders on parchment. They never changed from morning to morning, but as part of her duty she made note of the commands of the high priestess. "Since I will be spending some time for myself, no afternoon prayers or offerings will be permitted. Everyone in the temple will take the afternoon to rest but not to neglect any tasks regarding the safety and security of Athena's temple. However, the evening sacrifices and testimonials will proceed. Have the temple scribe post the orders on the temple columns outside and have him sail them to the nearest port."

     Airlea finished writing and bowed. "Mistress, shall I have the cook prepare something special for your morning meal?"

     Medusa thought a moment. "No, my porridge and melon will suffice. But, if the cook has pomegranate, I would like to have two of them."

     Airlea smiled and left the room. The smile was an indicator that Medusa's young servant had already seen to the availability of the pomegranate in anticipation of her mistress's request. Alone, Medusa went to another chest, larger than the first one, and withdrew various gowns to wear for her ceremonies in the later morning and in the evening. She looked forward to a long day of her normal duties in the morning, swimming and sunbathing in the afternoon, evening temple ceremonies and having a quiet dinner. As she laid out her clothing, she felt another strong breeze whip into her room and then felt an energy bolt shoot past her. In a flash, a woman, with long flowing gold hair, dressed in a white and gold flowing gown and wearing a short sword at her waist was sitting in a cushioned chair opposite her bed. Her skin was flawless as the marble statue of the Goddess of Wisdom in the temple. She was regal in beauty and poise as she looked at Medusa.

     "My Goddess Athena," Medusa said as she dropped to her knees and pressed her face to the floor.

     After a minute or two of the genuflection from Medusa, Athena rose from the chair and stood in front of her looking down. "Rise, my daughter. I have come to wish my most honest and loyal servant a blessed birthday and to impart a gift I have fashioned for you."

     From a pocket in her dress, Athena withdrew a silver pendant that dangled from a small thin linked chain. Circular in the middle and protruding from it were sixteen wavy spikes, resembling snakes, she thought to herself. Medusa looked up at Athena and smiled. "I don't know what to say my goddess. It is beautiful. Thank you."

     Athena grasped Medusa by the shoulders lightly. The high priestess felt a surge of power course through her soul. Being in close proximately to a god was an experience few mortals ever had the opportunity to enjoy. Although she was Athena's servant, Medusa felt confident, admired by the temple worshipers and the people who maintained the grounds. Medusa found herself to be an important guide for self-assurance while in the service for Athena. She looked into the eyes of her goddess and saw a brilliance that resembled the sun. Those eyes could not be lied to and Medusa would never consider telling Athena anything false.

     However, Medusa had her own secrets she kept to herself. For example the strange patterns in the night sky she documented. While she was in her room Medusa could ask Athena about them, but thought better against it. The gods did not favor their human subjects to seek knowledge outside of their influence. Such inquiries and quests were considered blasphemous. The stories of priests and other wayward followers being sent to Hades or sentenced to fight horrible monsters played in her mind. Medusa hoped what she was seeing in the stars were the stellar messages of gods speaking to one another. And yet, she felt something more in them.

     "What is it my child," Athena asked.

     Medusa looked at her with uncertain eyes. "I was wondering if you would not mind if I curtailed some of the worship services today. I will have morning worship and evening sacrifice and atonement services. During the midday I wish to rest, reflect and enjoy what looks to be a gorgeous day," the high priestess asked.

     "I am surprised you did not want to throw yourself a huge gala party for yourself here at the temple," Athena said with a sly smile.

     "This is your temple my goddess. I would not do so without your knowledge. Such a celebration would be blasphemed."

     "Let me worry about what is blasphemous and what is not. Besides, should not my most loyal and devoted servant be allowed some time to celebrate her birth? I know I am happy that the Fates allowed a wonderful person to be in my service." Athena scanned Medusa from head to toe. A predatory thought came to mind but she would entertain that for another time.

     Medusa blushed and lowered her eyes to the floor. Athena placed her hand under Medusa's chin and raised her head to meet her eyes. "If you wish to have a small gathering, I will not be offended. You have turned my temple, here and at the Parthenon, into places of envy from the other gods. No other gods, save for Zeus, has such loyal followers and exquisite temples, both in the structure and the servants. So please, have a joyous day!"

     In a brilliant flash, Athena was gone from Medusa's room. The sun started to slowly rise indicating the day was already beginning. She quickly gathered her gowns, her towels, scrubbing implements and the pendant Athena gave to her. She rushed quickly to the private bath where Airlea was waiting to help Medusa bathe and prepare for a long, exciting day.

* * *

     Airlea made sure Medusa had the best breakfast possible, which consisted of her porridge with honey, pomegranate fruits, cider and sweetened toast. As she ate breakfast in the banquet hall, Medusa's eyes glanced over the other priests, servants and guards, all of whom were enjoying their early morning breakfast. Medusa smiled at them. Day to day, Medusa ate with the other servants of Athena in the banquet hall at meal time. Since all of them lived in the temple, they saw each other every day, worked together, and worshipped the same goddess. To Medusa, this was her new family and she loved each person on the grounds. Normally, the hall was abuzz with conversation, low rumblings of enjoying the meal and music. This particular morning, Medusa noticed the hall was quieter than usual. Her ears kept hearing the murmur of secretive planning in the background of the hall. Everyone seemed to be hushed and guarded, for when Medusa smiled at each person to greet them, they turned away from her warm gaze. Medusa suspected something was amiss, but when she saw Airlea whispering to some of the patrons of the hall, it aroused Medusa's interest. Breakfast just became more interesting.

     The morning services were conducted without incident, as it was the norm for the temple under the watchful eyes of the guards and of Athena. It was never a good idea to bring drunkenness, violence or other forms of disrespectful behavior into the temple. Athena's wrath was nothing to have wished on another soul. The day's services were pleasant, mostly farmers, merchants and fishermen from Kouvari attended the morning worship prayer to beseech Athena for a profitable year. Worshippers brought tributes to the temple to appease the goddess and left them at the numerous mini altars around the temple for her blessing. And as always, Medusa personally greeted each worshipper entering the temple, against the other priest's arguments. Fortunately she was in charge and this authority gave her the final word on how services were to be conducted. She found it disconcerting to those who were called by the gods would carry an air of arrogance in dealing with the worshippers. She hoped to pass on a feeling of gratitude and hospitality to the other priests of Athena for when she travelled to the Parthenon, the grand temple of Athena. In the future Medusa may have to send for new, younger priests and priestesses to take over for the older, unimaginative ones in the service to Athena.

     The last worshipper, an old fisherman, spoke highly of Medusa and hoped to see her again. Medusa smiled and simply said, "We are here in the service to the goddess Athena. I will be here until she dismisses me from the charge of high priestess. Until then, I am honored to serve."

     The old fisherman astounded by the woman, simply turned and walked away, mumbling to himself, "I will be seeing you again, my beautiful Medusa." As Medusa watched after him for a moment he seemed to be standing in the courtyard looking at her. However, when a large cart blocked her view and then moved on, he disappeared. A gust of wind blew past causing Medusa to shield her eyes with hands from the dust it kicked up. It felt like the same wind in her room early in the morning. An eerie feeling crept into Medusa's mind.

     With the temple empty, Medusa returned inside and ordered the servants to prepare the temple for the evening ceremony. She then dashed to her domicile, up the stairs to her room where Airlea was patiently waiting.

     "Are you ready for a day at the beach my friend?" Medusa asked.

     Airlea stopped and looked at Medusa while she undressed. "Friend? I never thought you would consider me as a friend. I am your servant, of course but friend…I never-"

     Medusa took off the adornments and jewelry from temple ceremony and shrugged out her priestess gown. She then slipped in into cream colored short dress and then covered herself with a lightweight white dress. She then beckoned her to sit on the bed and looked into her blushing face. "Airlea, you are my friend and you serve me. There are times I don't command you to do things because you have taken care of me for years. You are like a sister to me, a young sister. You have always looked after me, even when I try to look after to you." Medusa paused to brush several red tresses of hair from her face. "Besides, I do not want to celebrate my birthday alone. So you are going to be my birthday escort for the day and that is that!"

     Medusa kissed Airlea on the forehead. They laughed together as they continued to pack for an afternoon at the beach. Airlea looked out of the window and saw six temple guards making their way to the tower. She turned to Medusa.

     "Our escort has arrived," she announced with a sly smile.

     "With the smile on your face, I imagine Captain Theron is leading our escort?" Medusa asked in a low tone.

     Airlea simply giggled and took up a shoulder bag as she exited Medusa's room. Medusa took a last look around her room and then into the mirror. She went back to in to wear the pendant Athena gave as a birthday present. Placing it around her neck and looking in the mirror, she noticed she was smiling and feeling giddy. She had to change her disposition. After all, she was the high priestess going out on an excursion to rest and reflect with the guards seeing to hers and Airlea's safety. She wanted to feel as if she was a normal girl enjoying the beach. Rather impossible when being followed by six guards and the protection of a goddess. Still, she could not help to smile every time she was in the company of Captain Theron.

     Medusa and Airlea met up with Theron and five other guards at the base of the tower. He and his warriors dressed in light combat tunics, sandals and short swords, a bow with a quiver of arrows. One other guard carried a small tent for the women to shade themselves from the high sun. Even though it was his duty to protect every person in the temple, Theron felt a bit uncomfortable around the high priestess. The captain of the guard shifted his posture as he stood at attention, as did the rest of soldiers in his detail in the presence of the high priestess and her servant.

     "High Priestess, we are here and ready to escort you to the beach," Theron reported. His black hair was already showing signs of being sweaty and hot due to the sun climbing high in the afternoon sky.

     Medusa took a private moment to stare at the tall, dark and handsome man. She was well aware of his attraction to her and vice versa, yet they both knew the vows they had taken would not be easily broken. A smile and glance would have to substitute for a life time of love and passion.

     "Thank you Captain Theron. You and your men have provisions to keep yourself hydrated and fed while we enjoy the beach?" Medusa asked politely.

     Not betraying any emotion Captain Theron replied, "Yes High Priestess, we are ready. How long are you and Airlea planning to stay on the beach?"

     "Long enough to enjoy the sun, sand and the water. But we will depart before the evening prayers."

     "Very well. Shall we go then?" Theron lead the way out of the temple courtyard and out on the side path that led to the beach on the western side of the isle.

     Medusa and Airlea were in the middle of the five remaining guards and all of them held a dignified composure until they were on the path. The two women laughed together as they told each stories and anecdotes. Some of the guards could not help but to laugh and comment on some of the stories Airlea told. Fortunately, Theron was far enough ahead and didn't hear the laughter. He was always serious about the duty in which he was entrusted. In Medusa's opinion, she could never find a more loyal, dedicated soldier in all of Greece.

     The party came to the beach area and set up a tent to protect themselves from the bright sunlight. Once the tent was set up, Medusa ran out to the clear blue water. It was cool to the touch but she refused to let the chill of the water stop her. She pulled off her dress and dove naked into the water and began to swim. Airlea ran to the water to retrieve her dress. Her eyes widened as she spotted blood stains on bottom part of her dress. Theron came to the edge of the water once he noticed Airlea's expression.

     "What is it Airlea? What is wrong?"

     Airlea looked at Theron with concern and then whispered to him. "Medusa must have pricked herself on a branch or rock. She is bleeding. I fear she might attract some sort of sea predator." Airlea would not tell Theron the real reason for the blood on her dress, which had to remain private.

     Theron thought for a moment and then said, "I don't think we will have to worry about Medusa. Athena looks over her. Besides, I know Medusa to be a good swimmer. She will be fine."

     Airlea looked at Theron with a puzzled expression. How would he know Medusa's swimming capability? Could it be this was not the first time the two slipped out of the temple to this beach area? Or did Medusa sneak out at night only for Theron to follow and watch her. Theron met her gaze with slight smile and then the grim, serious look returned immediately. Airlea made it a point to talk to Medusa about her and Theron. They walked back on the beach to the tent set for the women and for guards, keeping a watchful eye on the seas for Medusa to return.

* * *

     She absolutely loved the water! The alternating temperatures of warmth and coldness caressed her naked body. Feeling the waves and currents push and pull at her as she swam was very therapeutic. Any and all stress she was feeling melted away. If she was not careful, Poseidon himself might become aware of her and attempt to steal her away from Athena. Highly doubtful since Athena kept her servants close to herself. Poseidon would probably have to give up half of his watery domain just to have Medusa. Such a trade would be fascinating, but Medusa thought it best not to tempt fate in such a way. All she could do was appreciate the waters of Poseidon's domain from a discreet distance, from behind Athena's temple doors!

     Medusa executed dozens of different swimming styles while in the water and enjoyed the experience. First she swam on the surface, at times waving to Airlea on the beach. Other times she would swim deep and make her way to the bottom of the beach floor. When she touched the bottom, she would stop a moment and look at the fish and other sea life float past her in the water. Then with her lungs begging for air, Medusa would slowly swim back up to the surface gasping for air. She swore Airlea was telling her something but she could not hear with the waves crashing about and the water in her ears. Most likely it was something to the fact Medusa should come out of the water to rest on the sand. In time she will return but not at the moment.

     Medusa took another deep breath and dived back to the bottom of the beach floor. Again she observed the sea life focused on a multi-colored coral reef. The reef abounded with fish and other creatures the likes which Medusa had never seen before on her other dives. Long tube fish, multi-colored crustaceans, seahorses, sandfish, so many different sea forms seem to go about their business almost oblivious to the presence of the human female that observed them.

     The pounding of her chest was her heart alerting the need for fresh air. She started to ascend when a glimmer of light attracted her eye. Diving back down and around the reef, she found a conch shell twice the size of her hand. It sparkled like starlight as the sunrays reflected of its silver and white surface. She managed to the reach it, pulled it loose from the sand and made her way to the surface. Breaking through the surface she gasped for air. After settling herself, she looked around and noticed she was quite a distance from the beach. She knew she was in danger in being swept out further to into sea. Airlea and Threon spotted her and were waving at her anxiously.

     Medusa with her free hand waved back and began to swim for the beach shore. Whether it was instinct or an outside force, Medusa had a feeling she was in danger. She stopped and treaded water to look around. The high priestess spotted the focus of the danger she sensed. A shark, twenty feet from nose to tail, swam toward Medusa. It moved slowly at first and then picked up speed as it closed in on its target. Immediately she swam as fast as she could. Her mind told her to let go of the conk shell but avarice caused her to clutch it tighter and she applied as much speed and strength her body could muster.

     On the beach, Theron spotted Medusa and then the shark pursuing her. "Airlea, get back onto the beach quickly!" He grabbed Airlea and escorted her back to the tent. He motioned for one of his guards to hand him the short bow and a quiver of arrows.

     "Be careful not to hit Medusa, please!" Airlea shouted with concern as Theron charged into the water.

     Theron held up a reassuring hand. "I will do my best. May the gods guide my hand!" He darted out a bit and then up water line and took up a position. He quickly cursed as he realized he did not have a clear shot at the shark. If he fired his arrow, it would likely hit Medusa. He would have to wait until the critical moment when the shark will lunge forward and strike, sending the arrow down the beast's throat.

     Medusa swam as fast as she could. Replaying the dive back in her mind, the currents that pushed against her body, unwittingly pushed her further away from the beach. Regretting her decision to continue swimming and diving was a luxury she could not afford. She was in danger and she did all she could to not look back at the beast approaching. Medusa saw Theron in the water ready to strike with arrows and wanted him to shoot. It then occurred to her that she was in his line of fire. Diving or taking other evasive maneuvers would give the attacking shark more of an advantage. Both her arms and legs were tired from constant swimming. She wanted to rest but that was out of the question. The high priestess hoped and prayed for some sort of divine intervention when it happened as quickly as she thought it.

     A group of porpoises swam past her in the shallow water and sped at the shark. Acting as one, the group of seven porpoises slammed into the shark with such force the shark was blasted out of the water. The sea predator crashed with such force, it sent small waves in the immediate area and disoriented Medusa for a brief moment. The porpoises continued to ram and thwart the shark's effort to make a meal out of the high priestess. After receiving numerous blows and realized its initial prey had retreated into the shallow waters of the beach, the shark dove into the darker depths of the sea and disappeared. As for the porpoises, they looked back at Medusa, flapped their flippers and then swam off into the seas, possibly to pursue the shark or to continue their feeding elsewhere.

     Theron sighed in relief and thanked Athena for Medusa's safe return. He took the arrow off of the bow string and waved for Airlea to come and tend to Medusa. She ran quickly into the water and covered Medusa with a thick white robe. Once it was tied at the waist, Medusa leaned on Airlea for support. Her legs were tired from the intense swimming from the shark. Airlea made notice of the shell clutched tightly in her left hand.

     "Don't tell me the shark wanted its deep sea treasure back that you stole." Airlea sarcastically commented.

     "I thought about dropping it, but I have never seen a shell like this before. I consider it a birthday present for myself." Medusa grinned at Airlea who was angry with her mistress.

     "Well, I wish you had not gone into the water," Airlea whispered as Theron approached to help the women out of the water and back to the tent on the beach. "Your cycle has begun. I think the smell of blood attracted the beast."

     Medusa's eye widened as she now felt a warm trickle between her legs. If that was true, her blood must have attracted the shark from the deep depths of the sea. Or it could have been something else. Something more direct and sinister, she felt. "Maybe it was Poseidon coming to take me away to his underwater castle forever!"

     Both women giggled as Theron rushed over and put an arm around Medusa's waist. For a moment, Medusa settled into his embrace and deeply wished she and Theron had met in another time and place. If Medusa only knew Theron was thinking the same exact thing at the same exact moment.

     "So, high priestess," Theron said sounding calm and official. "I take it your day at the beach is over, unless you feel you want to swim out further and see what other creatures can pursue you."

     Wiping water from her soaked hair and sitting down on the sand, she looked up at him. "I don't know captain. If you and your men would like to use me as bait so you can stuff and mount a guppy on the wall of your barracks, give me a few minutes rest and I will go back out."

     Airlea threw her a look of shock and anger as Theron and his guards laughed aloud. For a few minutes, Medusa beckoned Theron and his guards to sit on the sand with her and Airlea and share the warm beach day with her. After an adventure in the water, Medusa would not be swimming in the sea for a short while. As the sun began to cross the sky to evening, the beach party packed their belongings and returned to the temple to prepare for the evening worship services.

     Medusa was happy to have several hours to herself and share it with those whom she considered to be friends. For the afternoon, she felt like a normal woman. All that remained was to marry Theron, birth many healthy sons and daughters and live a long happy life with a man she secretly loved. But all of this was a fantasy she will have to keep to herself. Her life and service belonged to Athena.

* * *

     The evening worship and sacrifice services commenced on time with Medusa leading the services of the patrons who traveled from the deeper part of countryside to worship in Athena's premiere temple. With the afternoon beach adventure still on her mind, she thanked Athena for the safety of her most loyal servant and pledged her undying loyalty and service to her. Even though, she had the rest of the evening off after the services, Medusa felt it would be good to return to her room and rest in her bed, write about the day and to ponder the events that have left her with curious notions. She wondered what new star patterns would take shape in the evening sky. That alone prompted her to finish the ceremonies as dash back to her domicile without dinner.

     The service and prayers lasted three hours with the worshippers bringing food, expensive animal hides, and jewels for Athena's favor. Medusa instructed the other priests to take claim of items and to write the names of each sacrifice and tribute to Athena. In hindsight it did not matter for Athena, who would already know who offered what items. But it gave some solace to the worshippers and patrons that they mattered to the Goddess of Wisdom. After the last worshipper left the temple and the last of the cleanup duties were complete, Medusa led the priests in the nightly prayer to Athena. When it was completed Medusa faced everyone. "Thank you everyone for allowing me to enjoy my birthday while you looked after the temple. Tomorrow we will return to our normal habitual practices."

     The thirteen priests looked to each other and then the second lead priest, a man named Heroc stepped forward to address Medusa. "High priestess, you are favored by Athena and the gods. We will always be here to maintain the temple as the example you have led us to follow." All of the other priests smiled and bowed in acknowledgement of his words. Medusa bowed in mutual respect.

     "Thank you my priestly brothers. May Athena continue to guide your steps." Medusa left the temple through the front doors. She looked into the night sky and then removed her head piece. She thought to take a long bath, study the sky for a few hours, eat dinner in her room and then go bed when she saw Airlea dressed as if she were to attend a formal affair.

     "High Priestess Medusa, we await you in the banquet hall," she announced in a formal manner.

     "Why Airlea?" Medusa inquired with a raised eyebrow. "Is there a problem?"

     "Yes, the guest of honor is not in attendance," Airlea smiled. "We, that is all who live here on the temple grounds, are waiting for you to join us for your birthday dinner."

     Medusa blushed for a minute and then looked sternly at Airlea. "Who arranged such a thing? I did not order any banquet in my honor. Besides, I think it would be sacrilege to hold such an event, and not honor Athena always."

     Airlea met her stern look with one of her own. "See here Medusa. We all serve Athena faithfully! If she granted you time for you to enjoy your birthday, then she will allow us to hold a meal in your honor. We are honoring the woman, not proclaiming you a goddess."

     Medusa understood why she chose Airlea as her personal servant. Without another word, Airlea led Medusa into the banquet hall. Approaching, Medusa noticed the temple and the surrounding grounds were strangely quiet. Everyone must be inside, she believed. Her instincts were right. Airlea pushed open the doors and the hall was filled with servants, the priests, some of the guards including Captain Theron, were present, seated at long tables lining the banquet hall. Everyone stood up and clapped in unison as Medusa walked down a path between the tables, nodding, bowing and embracing her fellow temple mates as she was seated at a long table with a throne-like chair meant for her. Airlea moved to her place at Medusa's left as Heroc took a goblet of juice and proposed a toast to Medusa.

     "We thank Athena for giving us a beautiful, faithful servant to serve as our high priestess. Medusa has labored tirelessly to make this temple the pinnacle of all other temples in Greece. Tonight, we celebrate the birthday of Medusa and give thanks for all she has done, and for the work that is yet to come." Heroc took a sip from his goblet as did everyone else.

     Medusa looked into the goblet and then to Airlea. "There is no wine served here tonight. It is all pure fruit extract. I fought with the chefs all afternoon after we got back from the beach. Finally they relented."

     The high priestess raised her goblet, saluted everyone and drank. Her drink was a subtle blend of pomegranate and citrus fruits which tasted wonderful. She looked to Heroc who still had more to say.

     "High Priestess Medusa. I know you will not take gifts from us but we have composed music and prepared a good meal in your honor. Many fruits, salads, meats and desserts have been gathered from around Greece for your special day. I hope you enjoy them." Heroc motioned with his hand. "Let the music and meal commence."

     Everyone in the hall cheered as musicians began to play the flute, harp and drum to especially composed music for Medusa's birthday. It had no title but it was a piece Medusa enjoyed as she sat back and listened. As the medley progressed, Medusa closed her eyes and imagined the song was more a lullaby one would play for a child. The tune struck a curious chord with the high priestess as she smiled and enjoyed the music.

     Other servants began to serve the fruit and salad course and everyone took as plenty as they could manage. Airlea made Medusa's plate and gave her a look that meant she was not to lift a finger tonight. Medusa relented and enjoyed the fresh food and drink. Over the rim of her goblet she saw Theron eating some of the food and spotted her. He smiled and went back to eating his fruit.

     "Will the people serving the food eat as well as the other guards?" Medusa asked Airlea.

     "Yes, the eating schedule has been arranged for everyone to enjoy tonight's gala." Airlea smiled and bit into a plum.

     All around the hall, everyone was enjoying him or herself. It was good to take time off to fellowship with those men and women dedicated to the temple of Athena. Not to abandon the practice of praising the gods, but to appreciate all they have given to humanity, Medusa thought. She saw on her plate fresh pomegranates Airlea put in front of her and Medusa immediately started eating. If there was one thing she loved and could never get enough of, it was pomegranates.

     She called Heroc and Airlea closer together to speak privately to them. "I appreciate all that you have done for me tonight. I can't ask for anything more except one thing."

     "Whatever you wish Medusa it will be granted," Heroc said in a hurry.

     Medusa smiled. "Good, then when festivities are over, I will clean the hall by myself."

     Airlea's and Heroc's eyes bulged at Medusa's request. Just as they were about to protest, servants brought plates of sizzling, cooked meats on wooden skewers and placed them on the table in front of them. The steam from the food filled the air between them as Medusa picked up one and bit into a juicy piece of lamb.

     "As you wish high priestess," Heroc relented as he sat on his stool next to the captain and enjoyed his food.

     "I can't believe you are going to be stubborn about this. I mean, cleaning up after a party we throw for you. You should just eat until you are full and then go to bed." Airlea whispered to Medusa.

     Taking another bite, Medusa said, "When it is your birthday, you can be as stubborn as I am."

     "I will remember that for sure!" Airlea sat on her seat and partook of the meal she was served. The cooks have done well with tonight's meal she thought to herself.

     Medusa smiled at everything and felt truly blessed. The music was particularly stimulating. She may ask them to compose some music for Athena for the next temple ceremony at the Parthenon. Her eyes then focused in the corner, near the front doors. She thought she saw two human shaped shadows in corner. The day had been full of strange occurrences, one right after the other and Medusa began to wonder if she was being tested. The strange feelings and sights were something she would have to address Athena directly, but after the party.

     The main course was served and it seemed that everyone in the temple was seated in the hall and began feasting. Seafood, oxen, lamb and boar were among the main meats prepared and served. Although Medusa enjoyed seafood, she politely passed on it, due to the fact she was almost a shark's meal. It made her apprehensive to eat it just for her birthday.

     The shadows disappeared or simply faded when the cooks lit additional torches in the hall. Tonight was a good night for the gathering. Nothing could go wrong; the end to a perfect day!

End of Chapter 5

Copyright © 2020,, Tyrone Ross
Copyright © 2020,, Tyrone Ross